Light Body Meditation

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Light Body Meditation
All the steps to do a light body meditation.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Casting Instructions for 'Light Body Meditation'


The first area you must focus on is the thymus gland area by visualizing a purple blue light: like a candle flame on the upper chest below the throat area and above the heart chakra area in the center of your body. The purple blue flame should be visualized right there and that it is the size of a candle flame once you do it for 20 minutes. Then on the last ten minutes you should expand the purple blue flame of your soul seat through your imagination to about 12 feet around you engulfing everything, during this stage you will feel warmth in that area as well as power full. OK. For one you must do this thirty minutes every day .

The second area of focus is to focus at the point or area between the eye brows where there lies a third eye or sixth chakra. This chakra related to the hyper thymus gland, therefore visualize a little golden light the size of your thumb there for ten minutes

Then the third area to visualize is in the center of your brain or head. Just visualize a golden sun there and the size of that golden sun is the size of a ping pongee ball and do it for ten minutes. After the ten minutes please visualize the golden sun is growing full size of your head and filling your head and shining outwards for about ten more minutes. Then visualize the golden energy as a golden water spout, springing right out from your head through the crown chakras, like water from the water fountain and go up in the air about two feet or three feet and then with your mind's eye again seeing the golden water coming back down and hit, wetting and soaking your whole body, clothing, aura and organs, skins etc. In this golden energy of water bath and showers will create the light body and bringing back or activate your two helix DNA strand in to a twelve helix DNA (light body type ) and all of your 72,000 psychic channels or chakras, both major and minor will be open and fully developed.  The fourth step is that of the wingmaker and the way that we do this is by focusing on the core star at the centre of the body between the second and third chakras on the physical body so in your own time visualize the there is a bright white light at your centre and feel at one  with the world around you and the cosmos.

Now in your own time feel the core star and visualize that the core star is spinning at your center and see that light energy spreading out through the physical body and blending with every atom, cell, and particle of your physical existence and feel that light energy moving out into the auric layers of your existence. Remember to feel at one with all things living. 


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Last edited on May 25, 2016
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This meditation might be helpful for some. Consider reading it out loud and recording the steps if you do not wish to memorize the meditation.

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