Water Meditation Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Water Meditation Spell
This is a water meditation more then a water spell.

Casting Instructions for 'Water Meditation Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • drinking water
  • open glass container
  • Water sounds(stream or waterfall recommended)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • drinking water
  • open glass container
  • Water sounds(stream or waterfall recommended)
To start, listen to the sound of the water. Next, look at the water source or at the water in your container. Pause to consider how vital water is to our existence. Think of all the ways we use it and how life would be without it. Be grateful for water. Touch it, and then take a drink. Engage all your senses in experiencing water. The element of water represents emotions and feelings. Try to get in touch with this aspect of yourself, and consider all the aspects of water? Rain, lakes, springs, streams, and oceans, and its association with the womb. Do this for at least ten or fifteen minutes, then say:
''Ripples on the pond, Sacred spring and well, The current and the tide, Watch it flow and swell. Water of the earth, Water from above, Waters of the world, Fill us with your love.''


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Last edited on Aug 03, 2018
Part of the Spirit Seers Library.


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This should help with your connection to the water element. I would contemplate your connection each time you use water throughout your day.

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