Before a spell tea

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Before a spell tea
This tea will help you relax and get your mind and body ready for a spell.

Casting Instructions for 'Before a spell tea'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Hot water
  • a cup
  • cinnamon
  • saffron
  • nutmeg
  • lime
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Hot water
  • a cup
  • cinnamon
  • saffron
  • nutmeg
  • lime
In a cup add a pinch of cinnamon(to open your sense's), a few saffron petals(to help with your psychic abilities), two teaspoons nutmeg(for good luck), and three squeeze's lime(to get rid of negetive energies).
Add hot water to this mixture and stir it 12 times clock-wise. As you drink this ,concentrate on each ingriedient and what that ingriedient does. After you drink this tea you should be relaxed and ready for your spell.


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I would cut down on the nutmeg. I would also charge the brew with energy, and I would consider adding honey or another sweetener to it. Theoretically, it can help, but you do not need to use it if you do not desire to.

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