Demon possesion

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Demon possesion
Le'ts ur demon to posses you

Casting Instructions for 'Demon possesion'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Be evil or in an evil statment
  • Focus
  • Mind
  • Something wich makes u think evil(not necessary but it's good to start with something like this)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Be evil or in an evil statment
  • Focus
  • Mind
  • Something wich makes u think evil(not necessary but it's good to start with something like this)
First be relaxed close your eyes and let everything evil that you like get into you desrtoy your good part by letting just the evil one eneter ur mind focus on ur evil pleasures do what you wanna do in your evil world and usually when i do it i sometimes when i focus i say ''Enter me and control everything on me do what you wanna do with me'' or something like this anyway for begginers it might work a little hard but it will work if u concentrate.


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This does not work.

May 15, 2023
I'm sorry Tadashi, I'm not being rude but did you try to get yourself possessed? If you read this, thank you for your time to read this comment

May 16, 2023
I do not consider your comment rude, simply a question. No, I did not try to get possessed. I have studied enough to understand what is and is not possible by reading over a spell. Demonic possession is rare and highly unlikely. You can work with demons. I have a number of friends who work with demons and they have never been possessed. You work with demons the same way one works with a spirit or deity. You are going to them for guidance and aid in your craft. If this was meant to be a summoning, it also does not work as it is missing key elements. Lastly, demons are cunning, not evil. You do not need nefarious intentions to summon them.

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