Body Warmer

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Body Warmer
A spell that will warm your body up slightly.

Casting Instructions for 'Body Warmer'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Clear your mind. Now imagine fire going into your body, flowing through you and warming you all over. Imagine it getting hotter and growing within you, drawing in more heat. Practice this until you feel a difference.



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Last edited on May 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Charge energy while doing this and it should help. Do not expect it to save you from hypothermia, but it can make you feel warmer.

this does work to an extent ive used this when walking my dog and or walking to school in the winter

Jan 29, 2022
its depends on the visualization ,visualization here means not just visual,but feeling too , sometimes magic is just like hypnotic induction which have words ''feel your body''''now you become'',etc, in term of reprograming the subconscious , same like magic it makes us self controlling our subconscious ,but if you see in hypno is always other things controlling us to be visualize more intense you need to connect with fire element , if your mind are very clear from distraction ,you can concentrate of fire feeling frecuency,energy,vibration then the feeling will become like we see fire , we feel fire,we understand fire ,we sense fire ,etc everytime we think about fire actually we transver and recieve the frecuency wave from other planes , just like how the phone works(akashic records) this is why people so diffrent in magic there are weak people and strong people try to meditate nearby fire and try to connect with the fire so you know what i mean + ''Hypnagogic state''?

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