Breathe underwater

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Breathe underwater
This spell gives you the ability to breathe underwater even in chlorine there is a spell to reverse it so you can go on land again

Casting Instructions for 'Breathe underwater'

You will need the following items for this spell:

You will need the following items for this spell:

repeat this spell and in about five-ten minutes this spell should have worked dont try to breathe through your lungs if it worked you will have invisible gills on your neck so if it worked you wont feel like you have to breathe if it does not come above the surface immediately spell to breathe under: I will breathe like a fish it is my greatest wish fish is not my faverite dish so mote it be
Spell to breathe on land: I am done being a fish thank you for granting my wish fish is not my favorite dish so mote it be
WARNING! When in lakes or oceans be careful with the other animals you meet some of them may hurt, threaten, atack or eat you
WARNING! If you want to keep the invisible gills too much the reverse spell wont work


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Last edited on May 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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did it really work

Jun 13, 2019
You can't breathe under water with a spell, the best you can do is hold your breath, or learn to scuba dive.

You cannot breathe under water.

yea... this isn't going to work. you'll probably end up drowning- want to be a fish? get some scuba gear!

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