Forming into Vampire 1

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Forming into Vampire 1
This is powerful, only for using when you need to. You must believe or will NOT work...

Casting Instructions for 'Forming into Vampire 1'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • open mind
  • tooth pick
  • paper
  • glass bottle
  • nive
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • open mind
  • tooth pick
  • paper
  • glass bottle
  • nive
In your mind, try to feel activity movements tumbling ALL around and your energy is cold.

Start to see sparks of FLYING ENERGY coming from your open mind.

With the tooth pick, vizulize it embracing you, inside YOUR mouth.

Vizulize it as a set-pair of fangs.

On the paper, set the glass bottle on.

Look inside the glass bottle.

Now take the nive and place it on your arm.

Then chant this IN the glass bottle so that it will be loud enough,

spirits may here your wish:

''Spirits I call,
Rigth from a hall,
Make my wish come
true, is a please,
It's a delight,
I need!''

Then you may feel REAL paranormal activity, AROUND YOU!


May cause tooth-akes

Become Dizzy; Faint

Pale Skin; Cold Skin

Please let me know this spell has caused NO GOOD right away if it does, and I'll post a fix-it spell.



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Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot become a vampire.

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