Aphrodite Goddess of Beauty

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Aphrodite Goddess of Beauty
This spell will enchant a ring or watch to give you hair like the woman's in a photo.

Casting Instructions for 'Aphrodite Goddess of Beauty'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Ring or watch
  • Photo of a woman
  • Lock of hair
  • Something sharp
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Ring or watch
  • Photo of a woman
  • Lock of hair
  • Something sharp

Say, "Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty. I ask that you enchant this object so that when it is worn, my hair will look more and more like the woman in th ephoto. I ask it to be the same color and length. I offer this blood as sacrifice". Use the sharp object to prick your finger and deliver a drop of blood onto the photo.



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Last edited on Sep 13, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This does not work.

Apr 22, 2022
Hello Tadashi! Have you tried this ritual for yourself?

Apr 22, 2022
I do not need to because I understand how Real Magik works. You cannot physically transform with Real Magik. At most, Magik can cast a glamour so strangers perceive you a certain way. However, it would take more than simply saying ''make me look like this'' once for it to work. You could also make the argument that the spell is flawed because it claims you need to give a blood sacrifice to Aphrodite, which is something she does not favour. Yes, there were animal sacrifices, but it is different from human blood sacrifices. Offerings to Aphrodite are usually things like flowers, perfume, chocolate, shells, crystals. Lastly, the spell is incomplete. You need to charge energy to cast a spell, you need to focus on your goal, you need to know what the items are used for. It says ring and hair in the outline, but does not list a reason for them in the spell.

Apr 27, 2022
Thank you for the answer. Do you know a spell that actually works?

Apr 27, 2022
A beauty spells, Aphrodite spell, or a spell in general?

May 04, 2022
Aphrodite's spell for hair growth or a powerful spell for hair growth and getting rid of baldness.

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