Invisibility and Un-View Notice Toggle

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Invisibility and Un-View Notice Toggle
This will make you clear your color, still have texture, but your features regain in a short to a long while. This has not been tried so try at own risk!

Casting Instructions for 'Invisibility and Un-View Notice Toggle'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Candle
  • Every causal colored shirt
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Candle
  • Every causal colored shirt

Make sure the candle is surrounded with appropriate psychic coverings or casual to preotect fire or you can develope permanent color loss!

First to start off, light the candle. Kinda blow light enough on the flame where smoke rises to the celieng. And if you have a shandaleer, donnot make smoke rise. Now you put a little part of your skin (peeled or dead) on the flame tip ( Always remeber, its just pain. The flame dosn't kill you, the smoke kills you for suffication, there is NO death by flames or pyronics)

Make sure you get some little heat in your hand, enough to have freshening hot energy rushing on your tip. Now feel the energy spreading, feel the source of it taking your skin and being replaced with Flame Energy. Try to munipultate it. Feel the energy taking apart of everything inside-out of your body. Imagine it burning away your color, textures, and idenity. 



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Last edited on Sep 18, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This does not work.

Feb 27, 2022
Do any invisibility spells work?

Feb 27, 2022
not working, but 'Do any invisibility spells work?'+well if you says become not noticed, maybe there is some which working (but if you wanna open shop or make friendship,+this type of spell ussualy will make people turn around from you, not thinking about you and dont wanna interact with you) +Maybe i ever know a very tribal shammanistic things that shamman is already elder for 60 years in magic so old, is able to working with forest spirit to make some of his soldier almost invisible to human eye and able to flying their some kind of dagger sword. when colonialism from voc, and other colonials from europe comes to war with the tribals in forest, +but the 'ritual is very long', 'with many tribal participants' and 'taking several days' before war occured. which not like something you can find here.

Feb 28, 2022
Invisibility spells aren't physically turning invisible. They hide your energy, or the energy of an object, so people overlook you/the item. If you wish to wander around undetected, you might consider astral projection [but even that's no guarantee since those who sense spirits can sense astral beings too]

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