Healing Image

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Healing Image
This spell uses the very old technique of representing a person as a poppet or small doll. It is similar to To Know the Child Within except that the poppet represents another person. Remember that healing takes place in the way that the recipient needs, not necessarily in the way we think it should happen.

Casting Instructions for 'Healing Image'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Poppet
  • Blue candle
  • Salt
  • water
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Poppet
  • Blue candle
  • Salt
  • water

Create your poppet to represent the person you wish -to help already completely healed and whole. Take the doll into your sacred space. Light the blue candle (to represent healing). Sprinkle your poppet with the salt water and say:

"This figure I hold made by my art
Here represents [name person] ,
By my art made, by my art changed,
Now may he/she be healed,
By art divine."

Pass the poppet quickly through the flame of -the candle and visualize the person being-cleansed of their problem. Hold the poppet in both hands, breathe gently-on it and visualize first the poppet and then the person being filled with Divine healing energy. Pay particular attention to the areas in the -physical body of your friend with which you know they are having difficulty.

Imbue the poppet with the idea of being healed from a mental perspective. Think of spiritual energy infusing the doll, and therefore your friend, with the spiritual help that they need. Visualize the person concerned being completely filled with white light, well, happy and filled with energy. Keep the poppet in your sacred space until it  is no longer needed.

At this time, enter your sacred space, take the-poppet, sprinkle it with water and say:

"By Divine art changed,
By my art made,
Free this poppet from the connection with [name] .
Let it now be unmade".

If the poppet contains direct links with the person  such as hair - burn it in an open fire. If-it does not, dispose of it in any way you wish. If you have used a crystal at any point in this-spell, this should be cleansed by holding it-under running water and perhaps then given-to the person as a keepsake or for protection.

We are not just asking for alleviation of the-symptoms, we are asking for help from a holistic-perspective. You do have a responsibility if you are-working on someone elses behalf to do nothing-which will make matters worse for them, therefore-think very seriously about using this method.


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Last edited on Sep 20, 2016
Part of the The Immortal's Keep Library.


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Couple things. One, you should stuff the poppet with healing herbs as well as something that would link it to the person like hair, nails or other DNA. Do not pass the poppet through a flame, or burn it. It is linked to the person and you would cause more harm. You should keep the poppet in a safe place. If you wish to destroy it, cleanse and dismantle the poppet to ensure you break the energetic link before disposing of the object. You could place the poppet beside the candle, or simply hold it as you charge it with healing energy. Other than that, this should help to heal a sick loved ones.

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