Sleep Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Sleep Spell
This spell will help you sleep, do this before bed. Note: Only use if you are having problems sleeping for this spell is meant to make you sleep and stay asleep for at least eight hours if done right.

Casting Instructions for 'Sleep Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Meditation
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Meditation

Just sit in a room on a chair or bed.
Now close your eyes and feel yourself going into a deep meditated state of mind.
Recite once:


"Into the dark of night,
Let me drift to my mind,
Dream, dreams of things to come,
Or things desired.
And as I wake with the rising sun,
Shall I be awake and refreshed.
So Mote It Be."


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Last edited on Sep 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Sounds like it could work...

It just worked

This definitely worked for me. I fall asleep easily when I say the chant, and on the one night I didn't say it, I slept terribly. Way more effective and cheaper than sleep supplements.

Totally great. I used it for my friend Substituting his name in and i could really feel the pull and he slept really well. :D

Would this work when your brain is stimulated by electronics

i did it and most certainly worked

This does seem plausible. I would include an herbal tea or aromatherapy to enhance the energy.

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