Faster Wound Healing

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Faster Wound Healing
This is a spell that quickens the healing power of the cells of the body, not like instant healing but considerably faster.

Casting Instructions for 'Faster Wound Healing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Green Candle (optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Green Candle (optional)

Sit in a comfortable position. If you are using a candle, place it on your right. Place your hands over the wound and close your eyes. Visualize your hand glowing with bright green energy, then charge the candle with that energy and burn it.

Gather the healing energy in your hand again. This time, send it into the wound and as the healing energy enters visualize the cells around the wound glowing bright green. Speak out loud: "With energy green, I make it clean. Heal (name) with the energy taken from me. So mote it be".

Now visualize the wound closing and pass the flame of the candle near the wound so the person will feel the flame.



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Last edited on Sep 28, 2016
Part of the Element Magick Library.


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I would seek first aid before attempting a spell. I would also avoid placing the wound near a flame. This is essentially energy healing and should work to speed the healing of the wound.

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