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The hair can be substituted with another part of the body. Representations can vary between dolls, pictures, even abstract hearts with their names.
Focus on the one who wants love. Yourself or others.
Take a flower petal and take the proper representation. Place the flower petal beneath it. Say:
"The soul of the loveless, searching for the love they lack."
Focus on the object of affection. Perform the same petal thing. Drop a petal between them. Focus on their energies entwining into love energy, pulsating into the petals. Link them.
"Tie them in the threads of time
With magic rite and lilting rhyme
Soulmates meant to forever stay
And exchange rings on wedding day
They shall stay happy together all their lives
Not unfaithful husbands nor crying wives
(Deep, passionate/Light, flirtatious/other) love, eternally linked
In a happy place where they'll never need think."
Tie the representations with the red thread. Put the hair and the red threaded representations in the sachet. Write the above verse on paper, draw a pentagram on the other side, add to the bag. Add one piece of hair from each lover to some water, add sugar and a drop of milk. Add cinnamon and stir. Repeat the verse, then say,
"Three times three I stir with glee,
Three times a chicken pecks happily,
Three pounds of fat in a barrel of meat,
Three meals a day for a child to eat,
Nine times I cast a spell of love,
Nine times flapped a pure-white dove,
Nine old cats on the front porch sat,
Three times the big one caught a thieving rat,
Three dead rats and a hungry kit,
Three times three, the candle is lit,
Nine times kissed on the first date night,
Nine lanterns shine in the night,
Three times they kiss, three wishes on a star,
And love will be granted from the moon's light afar."
Put the water in a safe place. On a full moon's day or night, sprinkle it over the place they'll fall in love. Place the sachet in a safe place. If the thread breaks before the next full moon, they'll never be lovers. For a threesome, use extra items and modify the verses. For a fetish, add the item to the sachet. For example, for a furry couple add a furry picture. Or for a foot fetish add a doll shoe. Go wild! This spell isn't powerful.
If you are casting a love spell, especially one for your ''soul mate'' you should include the other person. Otherwise, you are forcing them into a situation they did not consent to. And once you break up, you will still be bound together energetically. Meaning, you will remain in each others lives well after you wanted to be apart. I love the bottom part, encouraging you to play around because the spell is not powerful. If you claim this will bond you with another as a soul mate, how is it not powerful? Obviously, because it is complete nonsense you made up. Unfortunately, someone might fall for your lies and do more harm than anticipated.
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