Love Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Crush  ► Love Spell
Make him/her break up with that girl/guy and love you.

Casting Instructions for 'Love Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Lipstick
  • Rose
  • Water
  • Memory of loved one
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Lipstick
  • Rose
  • Water
  • Memory of loved one

Take the rose and hold with your right hand. Apply the lipstick. Drink the water. While thinking of him/her, say: I love you. Love me. Remember what we used to do, it will make you happy. Kiss me and leave her, the path is so clear. I love you always, my dear. Results will appear next time you see him/her.


Added to on Feb 24, 2018
Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does this really work?

Apr 06, 2019
Probably not. you cannot make someone do what they do not want to do. If they are in a relationship with another person chances are they are over you.

If you love someone why would you make them break up with someone? If you actually love someone shouldn't you want him/her/them to be happy? Anyways they may fall out of love with whoever they're with and maybe if you get close enough with them, they'll love you too!

Jun 30, 2019
That's what I was thinking

How will this work if I won't see this person again?

What if I don't have a rose?

I wouldn't have the heart to destroy someone's relationship. But whoever wants to do it, go ahead.

there is no pray like that. That is not a pray and and even not a wish this pray could be better . open your hands through the sky and repeat as much as you want. Oh God , I love you and I trust you with all my heart. please love me and protect me from the evils . there is one that I love so much and I want he/she loves me so much too. he/she remembers what we used to do. it will make me happy if he/she remembers. the path is so clear. you know that I love him/her always.

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