SpellsLove  ► Crush  ► MAKE YOUR CRUSH LIKE YOU
It make's your crush like you back

Casting Instructions for 'MAKE YOUR CRUSH LIKE YOU'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your imagination
  • Your voice
  • Compassion for your crush
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your imagination
  • Your voice
  • Compassion for your crush

Chant the following:

Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, I call upon you to make my crush named ______________ like me, for this is my will so mote it be


Note: ______________ is where you say your crush's name and/or middle and last name


Added to on Mar 21, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I will try it

Aug 09, 2023
What is the result

I would do this on a full moon or waxing moon because that is when energy is drawn towards you

There is no energy involved in it. Don't think it would work/

Incomplete. As outlined, this will not work. If you used this chant in a spell, maybe. Candles, herbs, oils and crystals can enhance the energy. You should also use a photo or something to further direct the energy. Saying Jane Doe is not helpful when there is more than one Jane Doe in the world. Photo, date of birth, item that belongs to them, and so on connects your spells energy to their energy and increases your chances of success.

It is a false pray . Dear God , You have everything but I have nothing. I trust your power and I tell my pray . I call upon you to make my crush named ______________ like me, for this is my will so mote it be.

Feb 13, 2025
Chants and prayers are similar but not the same. You do not need to call on a specific deity for a chant, while a prayer is speaking to a deity. Both can be used in a spell, it depends on your craft.

On a personal note, the prayer you gave seems rather defeatist. That is not meant as an insult, and I apologize if it came across that way, truly not my intention. I assume this is a prayer to the Christian God, whom I have never worked with. Are those prayers meant to be so... Groveling? You have everything but I have nothing does not sit right with me. When you are casting a spell with a chant, you should state it with power and authority, because you have both. When praying to a deity, while you can/should praise them, it is not from a we are mere mortals viewpoint. It is more from a child to a parent viewpoint. The rest of the prayer I have no issues with, it is just that I have nothing line. Is that common in your craft, or common in the Christian faiths? I am assuming Christian because I typically see this type of phrasing from those who were raised in that faith. Again, no offense, no disrespect, it is genuine curiosity.

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