Love spell - works while you sleep

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SpellsLove  ► Erotic  ► Love spell - works while you sleep
This spell let your crush fall in love whit you while you sleep.

Casting Instructions for 'Love spell - works while you sleep'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 red or pink candle
  • 1 picture of your crush. If you dont have one, carf his/her full name in the candle.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 red or pink candle
  • 1 picture of your crush. If you dont have one, carf his/her full name in the candle.
Before you go to sleep put the candle on top of the picture in front of your window, light it, and meditate on your love for as long as you think is nesseserely.Then chant the spell:

Godes of faith please hear my pleat, send me the love i so desperedly seek.
Spirits of love please hear me bag, send me the love i so desperedly lack. (1x first)

Meditate in between for a short while. Then the 2nd, meditate, and then the 3th.
Let the canle burn out naturely while your sleeping. BEWARE OF FIRE!!

I wrote this spell for gay people but it should work for anyone!
Please let me know if it worked for you.


Added to on Jan 09, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This worked! Thanks

Can I use clothes?

Mar 27, 2025
I mean instead of carving or using a picture

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