Lovers' Chant

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SpellsLove  ► Marriage  ► Lovers' Chant
A quick and simple chant to create a bond between you and your crush. (This worked for me)

Casting Instructions for 'Lovers' Chant'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your voice
  • your belief in magic
  • A photo of your crush (optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your voice
  • your belief in magic
  • A photo of your crush (optional)

To get this chant to work, you need to be able to see your crush. This could mean via a photo, or just in real life.

Chant (once):

"By the gods' divine,

Make him/her mine,

Loyal and sweet,

Our love shall meet,

Love so real,

There is no need to heal,

Love is the key,

So mote it be."


Added to on Mar 17, 2020
Last edited on Apr 25, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This worked quick as hell. I did this last night and he just popped up out of nowhere here surprising me. Im in awwe because we haven't been talking.

Apr 30, 2020

Jun 08, 2024

omg thankyou for this

it worked for me

Can use a digital photo off my phone?

Feb 23, 2021

I'm gonna try this today

I've tried it now I just hope it works!!

Sep 22, 2021
Did it work for you

I just did this spell and when I did this spell my heart felt in flames like a love desire feeling so do that mean it worked

Dec 22, 2023
Yes,this means it worked (it may not but most likely it did)

I just did this spell and when I did this spell my heart felt in flames like a love desire feeling so do that mean it worked

Charge energy and imagine your desired outcome before chanting. Also, when you chant, you need to repeat the words and get lost in the moment. Overall, while I am not a fan of these types of spells, it should work.

Hmm, tomorrow I'll see if it worked! She rides the bus with me, so let's find out!

I performed it just now. Feeling emotionally something don’t know what it is yet.

Lovely spell

Used it last night and it worked he literally messaged me and he never does like that

Can I chant everyday for this or just once and that's it ..

Jul 28, 2022
Like many things, one gets out what they put in. Performing the chant daily would help to continuously feed energy and intent into the working.

Just tried it will update if anything happens

Can I try chanting it three times to make it stronger?

Sep 15, 2022
In all things light, this spell worked, and it was strong!

I’ll update everyone

Apr 08, 2023

Can this spell work, if you can physically see the target?

Jan 02, 2024
Yes it does

Be back for an update 🤗


Feb 25, 2024
All caps is against site rules. Please refrain from them in future. As for your question, it's a sign you've charged energy and the positive feeling indicates you're casting correctly. Keep a journal and be observant of any signs over the next couple of weeks [I usually give spells one lunar month, 28 days, before concluding if the spell worked or not. Some take more or less time, but for this one, a month should work] to see how the spell is going [signs are anything you feel is significant. Could be a feeling, overhearing a conversation, seeing the same numbers everywhere, animals acting odd, and many more. Hate to say you'll know when you see a sign, but you should have this ''Huh, that's interesting'' feeling when you notice something]

I'm going try it how long does it take to work if it does work??

Apr 22, 2024
Thinking about doing this spells give me a warmest weird feeling in my stomach is that good or bad??

Apr 22, 2024
Also a nervous feelings then cold chills whats that mean??

I did this chant spell about 20 minutes ago how will I know it work.

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