
SpellsLove  ► Money  ► Tuition
A jar spell to help you have enough money to pay college tuition.

Casting Instructions for 'Tuition'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Jar
  • 1 green paint marker
  • 1 green pen
  • 9 coins
  • Receipts
  • Cloves, clover, mint, marjoram, other ''money herbs''
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Jar
  • 1 green paint marker
  • 1 green pen
  • 9 coins
  • Receipts
  • Cloves, clover, mint, marjoram, other ''money herbs''

The spell is best performed on a Thursday at the end of a new moon or during a waxing moon. Draw a symbol of Jupiter on the top and bottom of the jar, which looks like the number 21 with the 1 intersecting with the bottom line of the 2. On the back ow a piece of receipt paper, write the amount of money in green pen, then fold the paper in half and stick it in the jar along with the herbs. Every day, drop a coin into the jar and visualize yourself paying the tuition bill as vividly as possible.


Added to on Oct 22, 2015
Last edited on Sep 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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What is the best way to use The herbs? Dried or Powder or Raw herbs? Which one should we use?

Feb 11, 2025
i used powder and it worked fine, i ended up making it into a drink and it tasted like mint and copper.

Feb 12, 2025
It can vary depending on what you are casting. For example, if you make a tea, consider dried herbs. In 99% of cases, it does not matter and use what is on hand. Dried might require more than fresh, but it will not make a major impact in your spell if you use garlic powder instead of a garlic bulb unless the spell is something like garlic bulb protection. In that case, get a garlic bulb. If it says add garlic whatever you have works.

Incomplete. This sounds like they wanted to make a money jar/bowl but cut out most of the Magik. Be sure to set your intention and charge each object before you place it in the jar. I would also add a cinnamon stick as well as a chant. I know it says money herbs so pick the ones you have, but the author should give more detail than this. If you want to get really lazy, get pumpkin spice seasoning. Please note, I am not insulting anyone with the term lazy I mean it more in the work smarter, not harder sense. Pumpkin spice seasoning is comprised of abundance and money herbs. Add a few pinches to any good fortune spell, it is easier than finding the individual herbs. Be sure to hold the container and charge it with abundance energy. This way, you have a pre-charged spell ingredient you can add to anything to give it a Magikal kick. With that said, take your time. Spells are not meant to be squeezed in between TikTok videos. You should prioritize a spell of this nature and set time aside to focus on this specific spell. Magik can be as simple as stirring your morning coffee with intention. Yes, a dash of pumpkin spice seasoning can make it a money potion. This specific money jar requires your focus, time, energy, and effort. Do not rush it.

Feb 13, 2025
Huh, I never would have thought about pumpkin spice as being so useful! That's an awesome tip! And it is definitely going to be squirreled away into the dark recesses of my brain for the rest of time now.

Another good 'abundance' item is citrine. It is a yellowed quartz that is very common and most often cheap to get. There are two kinds though. A natural citrine which is a paler, more 'amber' yellow and a manufactured citrine which is made by heating quartz to change it. Manufactured citrine has a darker, brown (almost black or smokey) quality to it. For something like this I would go for the natural citrine if possible. Put a couple Chios or points into the jar, or sit a point on the lid, on top of the Jupiter sigil. Put it in a place where sunlight shines directly on it for at least part of the day.

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