''Cut It Out, Cut Them Off''
This spell is to help you sever any ties with a person that you no longer want in your life. It can also be used to assist in removing any negative habits or intrusive thoughts.
It requires simple supplies, things you could find at the dollar store, so it isnt hard to perform in that sense but it does ask you to draw and reflect on negative things in your life. If there are some things you simply cannot face or think about in regards to anything you wish to be free of, this spell may not be the best for you.
It requires simple supplies, things you could find at the dollar store, so it isnt hard to perform in that sense but it does ask you to draw and reflect on negative things in your life. If there are some things you simply cannot face or think about in regards to anything you wish to be free of, this spell may not be the best for you.
Casting Instructions for '''Cut It Out, Cut Them Off'''
You will need the following items for this spell:
- A length of ribbon, preferably white, long enough to wrap around an ankle or wrist
- A thin tipped marker, pen, or Sharpie, preferably in black
- A pair of scissors
- A fire-proof container and matches (optional)
On your ribbon, write the name of the person that you want to cut away, or the habit / thought you wish to remove. When you are done, hold the ribbon in your hands, and think of what you wrote, how it makes you feel, all the negativity it brings into your life. It may be painful, but pull up as much as you can - bring every last bit to the surface if possible. Take as much time as you need to do so.
After you have brought forward everything you can / can think of, push it all into the ribbon and the words you wrote upon it - every last thought and feeling you have about what you are trying to rid yourself of. The aim is to get all of the negativity outside of you and into the ribbon.
When you feel you have done that, or as much as you can, tie the ribbon around your wrist or ankle. As quickly as you can, snip it off your body and let it fall. It is gone.
Take the ribbon with your writing and get rid of it. (If you can, burn it, though this is optional.) Cut it up into smaller pieces, throw it out, bury it someplace you rarely go, let it go in the wind or water, as long as you completely rid yourself of it.
After the ribbon is gone, take some time to meditate on how you feel now that you are free of that person / habit / thought. Feel how light your shoulders are now, how bright your spirit. Reflect on how great your life will be now that what troubled you is gone for good.
Do your best not to think of the spell, or what you got rid of, again.
Optional: Go have a shower to be sure to cleanse yourself of any of the negativity from the ribbon on your skin. Also, have a snack, drink some water, relax - you just purged yourself of some pretty heavy stuff, you deserve a break.
Only write one thing on the ribbon - one person, one habit, one thought. If you have more than one thing you wish to be rid of, do this spell multiple times. Just be careful not to drain yourself from expending too much energy.
This spell may best be paired with a self-love spell; you should bring in some positive to fill up the space and make you feel better after dealing with all the negative thoughts and feelings.
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