Give Up Powers

SpellsSpiritual  ► Conjuring  ► Give Up Powers
This spell will remove any powers you have.

Casting Instructions for 'Give Up Powers'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing

Under a fullmoon, chant:

"By all my power, its time to go
A wiccan's essence, spirit, and soul
Be nothing but a lump of coal
By the power vested in me
Set my power forever free".


Added to on May 02, 2013
Last edited on Mar 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Why would you do that??

It's impossible to even have powers unless you're like a medium or something.

Why didn't it work?

Apr 05, 2021
It isn't exactly specified by the author what the word powers refers to here. If it is meant talents, or psychic abilities, abilities one usually develops, or something false that has no bearing in actual real world magic, such as the ability to fly. There are many reasons this spell is unlikely to work. Firstly it is a chant you do on a full moon. That's it. If energy is not put into a spell and out into the universe then how is it expected to work? If the power specified here is to get rid of sense abilities such as clair-knowing, this is unlikely to work. It is best in the long run to learn control over talents over time. Practicing a little more control if one can, rather than to deny a part of ourselves, such as intuition, which in actuality exists for survival purposes.

I am unsure what powers they speak, but you do not have powers to gain or give away. This could be used in conjunction with a grounding to release extra energy. If this helps you transition from spells to mundane, there is no harm in trying it, but if this is meant to remove say superpowers, it will not.

I don't think it'll work, and even if it does. What kind of powers does the spell remove? Does it remove the ability to perform magick? If so, that isn't possible, since the ability is vested in all people on this earth. Maybe it could block out any particular abilities, but I doubt it'll completely eradicate them or cause you to lose them forever.

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