Mortal Vampire Spell

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Death  ► Mortal Vampire Spell
Most of my spells I have created have worked but I am yet to try this.

Casting Instructions for 'Mortal Vampire Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Drop of Blood- Yours
  • 1 Drop of Blood- Someone else
  • Vervain (Herb)- 1 teaspoon
  • Bowl
  • Candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Drop of Blood- Yours
  • 1 Drop of Blood- Someone else
  • Vervain (Herb)- 1 teaspoon
  • Bowl
  • Candle

Sit on ground in comfortable position in front of the bowl and candle, put 1 drop of your blood into the bowl followed by the other persons blood then the vervain. Light the candle and recite spell.



"God of death, God of life I call upon to make a deal,
make me neither dead or alive make me burn in the sun and burn at the touch of vervain, to survive make me feed on human blood, make me feel no pain, let me run at the speed of light and compel others make me heal like instantly and never be ill, and let beauty become me, be only killed by a stake to the heart, I ask of you in need make me not dead but mortal, forever damned to hell eternally yours the mortal vampire.
This is my will so mote it be."



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Last edited on Aug 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot become a vampire.

*sigh and mental face palm* there's no reason to be negative...

Sep 15, 2019
Who's being negative exactly?

It's truly annoying to see those who say they've had so many years of experience in magic think they know everything and don't try and make an excuse or argument it won't help if you know so much and you say you can't become certain things then why do certain creatures people say don't exist do then and where did they come from if someone didn't become one or it was born somehow give a full no bull description full of only facts

Mar 15, 2020
Slightly confused by the end of your point [you might benefit from using puntuation] We are stating facts about magick. You were born human, magick is a natural energy that only affects energy, not the physical. Changing from one creature to another isn't physically possible and therefore magick cannot do it. Vampires are astral creatures, they are not physical. If you are claiming to be a psi vampire [a human who can drain energy] that's different. The majority of vampire spells on this site don't claim to help you become a psi vampire [which can be done] working with astral vampires [which can also be done] or work with a deity associated with vampires [again, possible] but to contradict natural law and physically transfer from a human to a vampire [which isn't possible] Those of us who have studied for years have tried in many ways to explain this to people. Some chose to make a quick ''no'' and leave it to save time, others go into greater detail to explain why it cannot be done. [despite it falling on deaf ears] We provide you with the facts and evidence supporting why it cannot happen if you choose to ignore it and try anyway, that's your choice, and nobody's going to stop you. [side note, why we don't believe a random person saying ''it's totally possible'' or someone who simply replies ''I am'' with zero evidence, is because we have spent years studying, and we know people can lie on an anonymous forum.]

am just curios would someone become or be part of a vampire

Apr 15, 2020
Neither. Vampires are creatures of fiction, their lore started as an explanation for the decay that was seen in dead bodies. There is no proven evidence that such creatures as immortal, blood sucking vampires existed.

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