Demon Banishing

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Defense  ► Demon Banishing
This spell will get rid of demons.

Casting Instructions for 'Demon Banishing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • White candle(s) (optional)
  • Any stones (optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • White candle(s) (optional)
  • Any stones (optional)

Put the candles in front of you and take the stones and assemble them around the candles. Light the candles and chant: "Oh great Gods. I call upon thee to send these demons back to Hell. Make sure they no longer dwell in this place of love and joy. This is my wish, so mote it be".


Added to on Aug 28, 2012
Last edited on Dec 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Has this worked and are their spells to banish the voices that consume my sons thoughts?

This will not banish demons. The chant could be altered and used for a cleansing. It is rare for an actual demon to attack people. Usually, it is either a spirit trying to scare you, or you made an agreement with a demon and have yet to repay them. Demons also do not dwell in hell. Hell is not a universal belief, but a Christian one. Demons are from the demonic realm and you can work with them as you would angels, deities or other spirits. Lastly, specify the deity. This is the equivalent of shouting hey you in a crowded room. If you do not work with a specific deity, have an offering for them to thank them for their help.

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