Yes, you imagine the person you want to dream about you, but i don't think it would work if the other person isn't asleep. The key is to focus on what you want and it definitely helps to meditate, a strong mind helps a lot.
actually, the question maybe include 'which one is more efficient or effective or powerfull, usual fire candle or electric candle?' like person below said 'fake candles or remove it entirely', it maybe just the item's level of power asked there? (for me i personally never use electric candle, because it is different in vibration & maybe weak)
The candle in this appears to be used as an assistant to focus your energy, if you can do that successfully without needing a candle as a focal point, then you can either substitute the real candle for an LED or fake candle or remove it entirely.
If I did this spell on a certain person then accidentally thought of another woman while doing the spell, could the spell backfire? If so could this spell hurt someone on accident?
I feel this needs an edit. It does not specify who you are wanting to dream of you. You are not focusing on the person, you are not charging energy, you are simply lighting a candle and saying ''dream of me.'' You need more than this for a spell to work.
How do you expect to confirm the results? And how do you plan to ensure the other person thought you were a significant player in the dream, if they even remember it, instead of just appearing in their dream, if the spell worked? Unless you're frequently discussing dreams with the person already -- in such a close friendship or level of emotional intimacy to do so -- it is unlikely you'd even find out.
It depends on personal preference. Not everyone believes it is wrong to blow out a candle. Some believe it either reduces the Magiks effects, or is insulting to the element. I have cast spells where it was more symbolic to extinguish the candle for the type of spell. There are spells, like seven day candles, which require you to snuff out a candle. Seven days candles build energy over time. Each time you return, you continue to charge the candle with energy, thus increasing the power of the spell. Should I need to extinguish a candle, I use a snuffer. Normally, I cast spells where the candle burns completely. However, there is no difference I have witnessed between these methods. Connect with your intuition. Whatever it says is the right answer for you.
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