Black Cat Spell II

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Black Cat Spell II
Black cat transformation spell.

Casting Instructions for 'Black Cat Spell II'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • Imagination
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Voice
  • Imagination

Imagine and perceive the form of a black cat enveloping your body, underneath the skin, and feel your self bend and change little by little. Next repeat the following spell several times a day:

Split iris vein, cat's fang, stretching claw, switching tail, feral fell, feline morphic, transform skin, burning blood, cat within, O ahtum moon anima sight, make me a black cat with your light, change and bend me day and night, until I'm a black cat to the sight.


Added to on Oct 11, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform into anything.

Sep 10, 2023
we are just trying to have fun

Sep 10, 2023
No one said you can't have fun, but this spell still won't work. It's not possible to transform your physical body with magic. look into astral or mental shifting if you're interested in transformation.

Sep 11, 2023
This isn't a roleplaying site. This is a site for religious/spiritual growth. Yes, you can have fun [and the ''entertainment only'' banner at the bottom is for legal reasons so the site isn't sued if you do something silly and get hurt] but this site is for witches and witchcraft practitioners to improve their skills, network with other witches and grow on their path.

Mar 14, 2024
Okay look u can'y physically change to anything BUTTTTTT, u can cause an illusion and have people think that ur a cat BC I play with peoples minds all the time I will make their fears come to live but no one can see it but them.

Mar 15, 2024
@Boo_Baby excessive caps, text speak, [bc instead of because] elongating words and roleplaying are all against site rules.

None of the magic can physically transform you- You just cant

You can astrally but not phisicaly. Sorry for the bad spelling.

You cant physically transform, it is possible to Astrally or visibly however.

don’t mislead anyone, astrally you might be able to alter your appearance. but magick cannot alter your appearance physically.

You can't do anything physical to yourself. You can't turn to a dog, cat, wolf, vampire, mermaid, ect. So this spell is 100% fake!

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