Simple Love or Obsession Spell

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Simple Love or Obsession Spell
This spell should help you become the object of attention of more people. Change gender/guidelines/etc as needed.

Casting Instructions for 'Simple Love or Obsession Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Mirror (Do not use if it may give you anxiety)
  • Oil/Incense/Candle/Herb for Rose, Vanilla, Jasmine and/or other herbs
  • Towel and water (not necessary if you are not using mirror)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Mirror (Do not use if it may give you anxiety)
  • Oil/Incense/Candle/Herb for Rose, Vanilla, Jasmine and/or other herbs
  • Towel and water (not necessary if you are not using mirror)

First, wash the mirror, to cleanse it. Then, use your herb/candle of choice, so that you can charge the mirror to aid you.


If you have anxiety you do not have to use the mirror. I have anxiety and it worked for me but it might not work for you.


Do the spell when you prefer but I did it on a Friday Waxing Moon Night. This spell also works better if repeated.


Take a bath. Cleanse yourself. Preferable do it before cleansing the mirror.


Use the mirror, a window, or another "portal" to channel your energy in the right way. If you would like, create a psi ball, to charge your energy properly, and then channel it at your "portal" of choice. This isn't a physical portal. It's a sort of way to channel your energy towards a certain goal.


When you are ready use the following chant as a guideline for what you plan to say. This is written as if it were to males in general. If you are gay, straight, cis, and/or trans, it will still work for you. It also works for an individual (see further below). Change the words as needed. Pronunciation isn't the main focus. Do it in whichever language you prefer:


"Let it be that every man who is my age or older and not [criteria for ones you wish to exclude; family, father figures, ex bf] be one who is Eligible for me. Let all Eligible [men/etc;] obsess over me. Let it be that the next time I [situation in which you may meet an Eligible one]  may one of them see me and be smitten by my [body part or charactersitc/trait]. Let him feel [feelings you wish to evoke]. Make him wish [what you wish he wishes]. Dieties of love please hear my plea. This is my will so mote it be!"

If it's for one person then:


"Let [name] have eyes only for me. Let it be that he [action you wish] when [situation you envision the two of you in]. Make him want [trait/body part]! I love him so let him reciprocate. Deities of love please hear my plea. This is my will so mote it be!"


Change as needed for you.


Repeat the spell as often as you wish.



Added to on Oct 01, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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