Contact Dead Loved One

SpellsSpiritual  ► Energy  ► Contact Dead Loved One
You can talk to loved one who passed away.

Casting Instructions for 'Contact Dead Loved One'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

You light the candles if you got some and focus on the light and say " talk to me I need to hear what you say talk to me in your own way" it will work better at night.


Added to on Nov 29, 2013
Last edited on May 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does this really work?

I hope this work

Magick doesn't work like this. I mean sure, your deceased loved one may hear you, but they don't have the power to make you hear them. The best thing to do? Astral Projection.

Aug 25, 2024
I beg to differ hun... I have talked to spirits they have talked back. You just gotta have faith and believe

Aug 28, 2024
I think NyxGeminia is referring to the spell. You can speak with spirits but saying ''Take to me'' won't work for most people [as she said, astral projection is one way to communicate with them] It doesn't have anything to do with faith/belief and everything to do with your psychic abilities. We all have psychic abilities but not everyone can hear spirits [clairaudient] most don't use their psychic abilities. Like any muscle, you don't use it, you lose it.

This spell probably won’t work the way it’s advertised your going to need a better summoning ritual to hear them even then you will need to be very spiritually awaken and in a deep enough state of meditation.

Incomplete. You have nothing connecting you to the spirit. No photo, personal item, you do not even say their name. If you wish to speak to a spirit, I would suggest strengthening your clairvoyance. I would also make an altar for them, or have a picture of them you can go to and communicate with. Place the candle by the photo, maybe leave something they enjoyed in life, then meditate. You can say the chant before you begin, or when you feel compelled to do so. If you are not clairvoyant (see) or clairaudient (hear) I would recommend using a divination tool. A pendulum is an easy one, but you can use tarot, runes, or scry in the flame. I would not recommend a Ouija Board. Not because they are evil, but because they are easily manipulated by the user.

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