Hacates Wrath

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Nightmare  ► Hacates Wrath
(Caution this spell uses the darkest of magicks and is not to be taken lightly)This spell calls opon hecate and her forces to punish those who have hurt you or plot against you.

Casting Instructions for 'Hacates Wrath'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Sand
  • Mirror
  • 5 Black Candles
  • Hair of the Target
  • Athame
  • Needle or raser blade
  • Snake
  • Key
  • Moth
  • Offering plate
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Sand
  • Mirror
  • 5 Black Candles
  • Hair of the Target
  • Athame
  • Needle or raser blade
  • Snake
  • Key
  • Moth
  • Offering plate

First center your self and meditate for atleast an hour. then, begin calling the elements of fire and air to aid you in the casting of the circle.
Then draw a circle and a inverted pentagram with the sand. Make sure the circle has no gaps or holes! If you have gaps the energys can be released.Then place red candles in corners of the pentagram. Light them. Place the key and moth in the top corners of the pentagram. Then place the offering plate in center. Put the snake on the offering plate. kill the snake. Drain the blood and soak the hair of your target. Burn the hair and offer the dead snake to hecate. With the needle or athame cut the inside of your palms and let drip over the dead snake. Proceed with ritual.
be aware the spell is in latin. Please try to pronounce the best you can.


"Dea hacate , sententia specialis es lost. Sententia veneficus es maioribus of vetus. per vox ego queso vos. Dea take nostrum humilis gratia ut vos vitualamen. Unus ut insidiae quod pugna meus navitas. Take lemma. Per vestri vox ego dedi vos meus cruor ut a verto of navitas. Per quattuor deomons of orbis signifer ego dico. Validus dea sententia maagics es sought. Take lemma quod frendo lemma. Permissum purgatio incendia addo lemma ultio ultionis per asmodia per ankhia per diabolus quod diabolus sententia veneficus quod dictata es accersitus hecate opus thy mos permissum immunda exsisto iam purgo per incendia vestrum regnum! "


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Last edited on Feb 03, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I'm pretty sure it's Hecate...

i think this spell is best to do at night

I question the authenticity of this spell. While Greeks did preform animal sacrifices, blood sacrifices were not a thing. I have recently heard from a number of Hellenic Witches that blood, specifically human blood, is disrespectful to their Gods. As for Hecate, she likes snakes, and I have never heard of blood sacrifices for her, especially snakes. She also insists you meet her when you are in a pure state. Most Hecate rituals include a cleansing bath or cleansing ritual. Yes, a meditation could clear your mind, but it would not cleanse. The line about cutting the inside of your palm sets of a second red flag for me. That is pure movie magic and not Real Magik. You only need one or two drops for blood magick and anyone who works blood magick simply pricks their finger with a sterile lance needle. Dripping your blood into the blood of an animal sacrifice is dangerous on a number of levels and not something you would do in blood magick. I would also like to note, unless you work with Hecate, do not call on her. Especially if you are going to kill one of her favourite animals. Not to mention human blood was never offered to Greek Gods and you are doing blood magick to call on her. As for the Latin, if you do not speak the language, do not cast in the language. This goes for any language. The universe knows what you desire through your energy, not your words. The chant is the witches way of setting the intention. It helps us focus our energy and tell the universe what we desire. Being in one language over another does not make a spell more legitimate. Overall, while the idea of calling on Hecate to curse an enemy is plausible, the procedure of this spell is all wrong. It might work but on a very slim margin. Plus, the risk of either injuring yourself or enraging Hecate is too great you should not attempt it.

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