Pyrokinesis is the psychic ability to speed up of the naturally occurring vibrations of atoms in matter to alter temperature, possibly to the point of ignition if combustible. At low levels, one could move a candle back and forth. At a higher level, one could put out the flame or making it relight using only the mind. Pyrokinesis is one of the more practiced powers like telekinesis. It could be useful too, for warming people up or setting things a flame. Some training methods are posted below. Pyrokinesis is also known as Heat Manipulation or Fire Manipulation.
After starting pyrokinesis, by time you will feel very cold or hot. Don't worry you won't get sick and it will pass after one week.
After starting pyrokinesis, by time you will feel very cold or hot. Don't worry you won't get sick and it will pass after one week.
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Concentration
- Visualisation
Casting Instructions for 'Pyrokinesis'
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The Dancing Flame exercise will allow us to put out and/or relight a fire with nothing more than the wave of a hand. First, we light a match. Now we make a tunnel between your mind and the flame. Now will(command) the fire to go down. Concentrate hard. Eventually,with enough will power and concentration, the fire will burn out. Now we have done the easy part. The hard part is getting the ember to relight. Now will (command) the barely visible flame (that's out) to grow. Make the flame rise, and get hotter and hotter. After a while, with enough will power and concentration, the dead match will glow red. We have mastered only a match size flame, though.Our new objective should be to master larger flames.
Psi Ball
This is not a Pyrokinesis training but you must be able to perform it very well to be able to do Pyrokinesis. To make a psi ball use friction from rubbing your hands together; after you are good enough stop using it and just go to the next step. Next have your hands in a claw shape and start putting your hands together in a ball shape, not quite touching, then taking them apart and keep doing that. After that you have to program it. You have to think of words, smells, sounds, images, and everything that goes with a certain thing (ex. fire, light, etc.). This tells the psi ball what to do. Lastly you have to shell it. This is where you make a shell of energy around it.
Heating Up
You can do this with a thermometer or judge. The increase in heat by yourself, visualize of the particles in the air speeding up, moving faster, releasing more and more energy. After this you visualize of a thermometer going higher and higher until it shatters. Then, think of an oven heating up this space. After that, visualize of a small ember catching the space into a small fire. Then, visualize of that small fire getting bigger and bigger and bigger until it is a huge bonfire in your head. Use any of these to do this. It works better when you do all of them. In a small enough place after enough training it will burst into flames.
Dancing Flame (other exercises)
Just concentrate on moving it in a certain direction, make it move in one direction, then the other, make it spin, make it move off of the candle and spin it in a wheel of fire, make it spin the other direction, make it bigger, then smaller, then put it out by envisioning it going out. Then try to relight it. It may not relight at first, but after a few weeks, it should start to work. Theoretically, you could also super-heat the fire, or make it spin in a flaming ring.
Internal Temperature
First you must think of yourself and the air around you burning intensely. Then imagine all of the air around you exploding into you making yourself hotter.
Push Energy
Here is a way that you can put out flames. You make a lot of energy in your hands, and then thrust it at the flame.
Create Fire
Get in a comfortable position with nothing on your mind, no noise, nothing to distract you. Then cup your hands with one over the other having a bubble of air in between them (hole pointing sideways not up) all of the heat would leave otherwise... Visualize energy rushing through hands; throbbing with energy ... then, visualize the air particles moving harder; hitting the place in between my hands even more putting out energy there... then visualize a thermometer going up until it shatters... after, envision an oven heating up the space in between my hands... then envision a small ember being blown on...getting larger, glowing more and more... then envision a small flame getting larger into a larger flame until only that huge flame is in thoughts.
Temperature Rise ( Of Area )
To start out, stand in a relaxed position, close your eyes, and focus. Picture the air around you seeming wavy because of heat in the area. Try to feel the heat on your body, picture yourself very hot and sweaty. You could also picture a thermostat raising. This could raise the temperature in the area a bit.
Sage1 has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Nov 11, 2013
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