Call The Kifune Dragon God Of Water

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SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Call The Kifune Dragon God Of Water
Call The God Of Water And Exorcise The Spirits

Casting Instructions for 'Call The Kifune Dragon God Of Water'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
Just Chant This And Do As It Say once, Stand Up By The Way:

''God Of Mount Kifune,

God Of Water,

Descend From The Heavens Above,

And Bring Water To This Place,

(point north with the whole right hand so as arm at shoulder level, palms face down same with the others)Water Of The North, Tenpo!

(point east)Water Of The East, Saicho!

(point south)Water Of The South, Tsuki!

(point west by placing hand in front of you)Water Of The West, Kumori!

(create a star shape like in shonen onmyoji if you watch the anime, then clap your hand together once)Together We Will Vanquish These Spirits From Destruction!''


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not the name i was taught, but it might be from a different branch. give it a try and see if it works for you, just don't expect a physical Dragon to appear before you, and be sure to thank it for its presence in your circle and wish it a safe journey home when you're done your ritual.

This sounds like nonsense. This is also incomplete. I doubt it works.

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