
SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Banishing
To banish negativity or unwanted energy.

Casting Instructions for 'Banishing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Black candle
  • Dark bowl filled with water
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Black candle
  • Dark bowl filled with water

Unlike most of the spells in this book, in this one you wait until the end to light the candle. This spell is best performed on the night of the dark moon, but if the matter is urgent, it can be done at any time. If possible, cast the spell in a mostly darkened room and undisturbed silence. Say it with as much focus and will as you can muster.

For this spell it would be best to cast a circle first. While speaking the spell, concentrate on sending anything you wish to banish into the bowl of water. When you are done, throw away your water and cleanse the bowl before using it again.

"Banish now with spell and will
Banish now with spirit's grace
Banish now with magick's power
All that's wrong and out of place"

Now you do not have to follow everything that is written here. Change it to what you're most comfortable with.


Added to on Dec 22, 2013
Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Nice info :)

Does it really work?

Dec 02, 2023
Simple, but effective. Yes this would help someone in letting go of/sending away most sorts of general negativity. I would call it a good starting place, with lots of room to grow and expand the process to make it more potent. For example perhaps by including a simmer-pot with herbs associated with eemoving or pushing away negativity. Or burning them as cleansing incense. Or after lighting the candle, ring a tingsha, chime, or singing-bowl with a single sharp tap and wait in silence until the sound is completely faded then ring a second time, and a third time. ...Among a myriad of other options.

I would place an effigy or symbol of what you wish to banish in the water, but this sounds plausible. Granted, I feel it would only work for banishing habits and not entities, but banishing's can be used for a plethora of things. I would add more ritual to this. If you are banishing a bad habit, I would have a cleansing bath, change into fresh clothes, meditate on the situation, write a note or letter indicating what you desire to release, then do this spell.

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