Undoing Spell

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SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Undoing Spell
To undo a spell you did already.

Casting Instructions for 'Undoing Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • One bead from a necklace
  • A small patch of black cloth String
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • One bead from a necklace
  • A small patch of black cloth String

Time: Any night after midnight, facing east. Best on waning moon.
Ritual: Place the pearl/bead in the black cloth - add your angelica herbs - tie up tightly in the string until you have wrapped the pearl/bead entirely in the cloth. Dribble a bit of wax from the candles on your final knot you tie. Say the following:

" I cast a spell asking, I now ask the favour of having the spell removed. I understand to take back a spell means giving up something of my own to show my spirit is true and my intentions are good, I give this pearl/bead from a necklace I own. I transfer the spell into the and render the spell dormant. No harm may come from the cancellation of this spell. No further power shall it have. This is my will, so be it."

Then throw the small package away far from your home. From - Phantom120


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Last edited on May 28, 2015
Part of the Teen Witches Library.


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This requires an edit. The list of ingredients is incomplete. The chant is also a little choppy, but might work for some. As outlined, I doubt this can undo a spell. It might undo a simple spell, but undoing spells depend on the spell itself. A binding can be undone but you need to untie the rope that binds the person. A love spell can be cleansed away, but the energy you put out will still need to run its course. Try it and see how this spell fairs for you, but I do not feel it will work for most spells.

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