Rainwater Sieve Of Conception

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SpellsTrick  ► Fertility  ► Rainwater Sieve Of Conception
Use this to help in conceiving a child.

Casting Instructions for 'Rainwater Sieve Of Conception'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Fresh rainwater
  • Container
  • Sieve
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Fresh rainwater
  • Container
  • Sieve

Collect fresh rainwater the nest time it rains. Keep the container tightly sealed in the refrigerator until you have a bright moonlit night. Place the water outside, exposed to the moon beams overnight. On the following night, pour the water through a sieve onto any woman (it could just be yourself who wishes to concieve a baby). I suggest pouring over her head as she stands naked in the bathtub so that it hits most parts of her body. As the water falls, the woman should visualize the emotion she'll feel holding her newborn in her arms.


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Last edited on Jul 14, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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while there are many pregnancy spells utilizing the fertility of the moonlight and the mother goddess, please remember it won't get you pregnant by pouring some moon water on you, you are charging the energy and hoping to attract this result, but without the biological facts of life, you won't get pregnant.

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