Summon a vampire by: Midnght

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SpellsBeauty  ► Attractive  ► Summon a vampire by: Midnght
This spell should work if done properly hope it works for you!!

Casting Instructions for 'Summon a vampire by: Midnght'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blood
  • 1 red candle
  • Voice
  • Piece of paper
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blood
  • 1 red candle
  • Voice
  • Piece of paper
Okay go outside put the red candle in front of you and light it. Look at the moon and write down why you want to be a Vampire.
Say once Vampires Vampires hear my plea come to me! Burn the paper.
Say twice. Vampire mother please send one of your children to turn me to make me one of your children send a vampire my yeah please hear my plea! Blow the candle out and take the blood and put it on your neck.

So it should feel like someone is watching you don't turn around. Count to 60 and then say. Please turn me!
A vampire should appear and bite you. The vampire will give you tips than they will leave.


Added to on Oct 28, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot become a vampire. You cannot summon a physical vampire, you will not be attacked by a vampire.

Sep 12, 2024
Thanks for the advice

ok fore onece can i read a post with out some one back stabing the publisher

Feb 19, 2024
It's not a matter of backstabbing if the original author published misinformation. This spell is fake and real magic does not work like this, it's as simple as that.

Feb 20, 2024

Are you referring to my comment? I was critiquing the spell, not the person who wrote it. Contrary to popular belief, I have no qualms with anyone who posts a spell on this site... Possible exception being BellaSullin, but she left the site.

As for being unable to read a spell without finding a negative comment, there is a simple solution. Ignore it. That is all. You can ignore the comment section. If you see a profile picture or name you do not agree with, you do not read their comment. It is as simple as that. My comments are designed to educate. Yes, I am blunt in the fantasy section because there is far more outright lies than truths. If a spell is in the realm of possibility, I will give it more insight. But this is fake, so I will not waste my time on an explanation unless asked for one.

I have your posts recently, you seem new to The Craft. This is not a bad thing, we were are new once. If you would permit me to convey some advice, be willing to grow in your beliefs. Your faith is weak if a simple no is enough to make you question your convictions. However, you should also know when to let a belief go. If you are presented with enough genuine evidence, you should not cling to something because it is familiar. If you have not already created your Book of Shadows, or Grimoire, I suggest you do so. This will be your Magikal journal where you can record and reflect on your craft. If you do not wish to listen to those who tell you a spell does not work, try it. If it sounds safe, go for it. Be sure to record how you felt before the spell. Immediately after casting, record how you felt during the spell. Lastly, keep your Book of Shadows with you for a full lunar month and record anything and everything you notice that you feel pertained to the spell.

My comments are not meant to be criticism against anyone, be it the author or you. I am not insulting anyone. If you are hurt by a simple you cannot do this then it is a sign you have an ego wound and you need to do shadow work to address it. The reason I and many others post these type of negative comments are to save new members time and know which spells to try. Ultimately, it is up to you whether you listen or not. I genuinely do not care either way. I am simply the person saying you do not want to take that path, it is bumpy.

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