The Guardian of the Scales

SpellsBeauty  ► Attractive  ► The Guardian of the Scales
This Spell/Ritual is to both Cleanse and purify energy,auras,homes,ones inner cosmos. The Ritual also helps purify entities that may be in limbo/purgatory and invoke the Guardian of the Scales so they may cross over, as to exorcisms & expelling ones Which eradicate and or destroy the spirits or demons.

Casting Instructions for 'The Guardian of the Scales'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A gold Bowl
  • A smaller bowl (imbued with Ancestral energy).
  • An amulet with an ank in one side and the eye of Raw in other.
  • An Amulet imbued with 1000 Chants by Tibetan Monks
  • Artifact which represents your Spiritual guard.
  • A Cooper Band with magnetized ends
  • The 4 elements Deities = Sea-Deity(obtained at beach), Terra-Deity(obtained from Mountain), Air-Deity( obtain from self), Heat-Deity(obtain from volcano)
  • SeaGlass (emerald)
  • Sage Stems&ashes
  • Dry Leafs from tree, or plant surrounding you
  • Cotton ball
  • cannabis stems
  • poin of A-pex energy
  • Blood from a God
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A gold Bowl
  • A smaller bowl (imbued with Ancestral energy).
  • An amulet with an ank in one side and the eye of Raw in other.
  • An Amulet imbued with 1000 Chants by Tibetan Monks
  • Artifact which represents your Spiritual guard.
  • A Cooper Band with magnetized ends
  • The 4 elements Deities = Sea-Deity(obtained at beach), Terra-Deity(obtained from Mountain), Air-Deity( obtain from self), Heat-Deity(obtain from volcano)
  • SeaGlass (emerald)
  • Sage Stems&ashes
  • Dry Leafs from tree, or plant surrounding you
  • Cotton ball
  • cannabis stems
  • poin of A-pex energy
  • Blood from a God

The ritual must be performed at the apex point where the energy or occurrence is at its strongest. There the Vail between worlds and energy are both at there strongest as they overlap and create a Window both ways. When Apex point has been found place Gold Bowl in the location. Place the imbued amulet of the 1000 Chants in bowl. Place Second Bowl withing the first one on top of amulet. Items being used to represent the 4 elemental Deities are to be place in side the first bowl appositely from one another.  In the second bowl place :cannabis stems,cotton ball, dry leafs, sage stems and ashes. the cooper Band to be curve angle and placed on top of second bowl. The emerald sea glass is to be placed on top of Band. Once this has been done pour the Blood of a God over inner items, set flame to blood and allow for the flames to thrive. Once the flames have subsided leave everything there over night, the following day place Sea glass out side so all impurities that it absorb may be released back into the ether.


Added to on Apr 04, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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how in the world do you get blood from a freaking god?!?!!?

OR, you could ring a bell to cleanse your space. This specific spell is nonsense. You can call on deities to assist you in cleansing, but there are thousands of ways to cleanse and the vast majority are as simple as snapping your fingers. Literally, snapping your fingers can cleanse your energy field. Furthermore, you do not need to collect items from specific areas to connect with a deity. Being at the beach and calling on Poseidon is a great way to connect, but you could call on him while sitting beside a glass of water and it still counts as being near water. The Gods are all around us, not trapped in one specific place.

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