Candle Divination
Information on divination with candles both tapers and seven day novena candles.
You will need the following items for this spell:
Casting Instructions for 'Candle Divination'
Money Drawing
Ritual Kit

Money Drawing
Ritual Kit
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Since this is about Ceromancy this is what I will dicuss first then I will discuss Lychnomancy later on. Ceromancy is when the witch lights a candle and then drips wax from the candle into a bowl of water. Then the witch would look for images that form from the wax in the water. It's that simple.
One can probably use the appropriate candle color depending on the question. Pink for love, green for money, brown for the home, etc. Although it was traditional for one to use darker candles since the darker candle wax is easier to see in the water.
One Italian method of ceromancy is recorded in Judika Illes, The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells, 2004 (p. 307)
Bind two tapers--not dripless beeswax candles--with scarlet ribbons. Set these candles standing up right in a pan of cold water. Place in the water, nettle leaves,cumin seeds, three rose hips, and a few sprigs of rue.
Light the candles. Observe the wax dripping into the cold water. Interpret any shapes formed by the hot wax solidifing in the cold water. The ultimate interpretation of what a shape is and what it means is up to you.
Here are the common image meanings found in Ceromancy:
AEROPLANE - A trip of a disappointment
ANCHOR - Your loved one is true
BABY - Troubles are coming
BALL or BALLOON - Your problem will not last very long
BEANS - Money difficulties
BED - A vacation would be good for you
BELLS - A wedding
BIRD - News will reach you soon
BRIDGE - Take a chance
BROOM - Make a change
CANDLE - Spiritual growth
CAT - A friend is untrue
CHAIN - Go ahead with your plans
CIRCLE - Reconciliation
CLOUD - Something or someone threatens you
CROSS - Do not fear for you are protected
CROWN - Sickness
CUP - Bitter quarrel with a friend
DOG - Your self-esteem is too low
EAR - Be alert for an opportunity to advance in your work
EGG - New developments soon
FAN - A surprise is in store for you
FEATHER - The problem will be solved
FISH - Someone will betray you
GHOST - Someone from the past is looking for you
GRASS - Good fortune is approaching
HAT - A change of location is indicated
HEART - A friendship will turn into love
HOUSE - Better times are coming
KEY - A setback in plans should be expected
KITE - Your wish will come to naught
LADDER - Take steps to change your attitude toward an old friend
LEAF or LEAVES - Things will be changing soon
LION - An unpleasant situation is developing
MOON - Indicates more money
MOUNTAIN - Good friends are willing to help you
PANTS - You will be tempted
PEN - Expect a letter from a relative
PIN - Your lover may be attracted to another
PIPE - Peace and comfort
RING - Marriage may be possible in the near future
SCISSORS - Separation
SHOE - Be suspicious of a new acquaintance
SNAKE - Be on guard against an enemy
SPIDER WEB - Pleasant happenings
STAR - Happiness
SUN - Good fortune
TABLE - An abundance of blessings
TREE - A good time for new undertakings
UMBRELLA - Trouble is coming
WALKING STICK - Get out of the house and visit friends
WHEEL - One who has been away will return soon
WITCH - Danger will pass you by
WORM - Business troubles ahead if you are not careful
This system of candle interpretation is used by some Voodoo, Hoodoo and Santeria practitioners to monitor effectiveness of candles used in magickal workings. Working with candles can be very practical and effective and easily hidden if you need to.
I personally like working with seven day candles because I find it easier to read them easier then tapers. These are the basic guidelines known by many practioners and sites. If you decide to try any of these techniques let me know what you think and any personal experiences.
These generally refer to the burning of ''7 day candles'' that can either be in glass or sometimes free-standing.
The candle explodes
There are two different ways to interpret this. If it is a protection or reversing candle it means that the candle protected something from astrally attacking you and/or a lot of negative energy has been directed towards
Candle does not burn
If the candle is a prosperity or protection candle, this means that other type of spiritual cleansing must be done before the beginning of this spell to remove the negativity of the environment before proceeding.
If the candle is being used for binding then another type of spell must be used.
The candle has a high flame
The spell is going to be effective and work fast. If for prosperity or protection,the environment is clear of negativity. If for a binding, defensive or protective use, you will most likely see quick results as they do not have spiritual protection .
The candle has a low flame
In regards to prosperity & luck,cleanse your environment. In regards to binding and defensive spells, they are resisting due to a strong spirit and it will be awhile before you see results. It is suggested that you try
another spell in combination with the present one to see faster results.
The candle burns the glass totally black
If after the candle burns down the entire glass is black, it is thought to mean that negativity or witchcraft has been directed towards you. Cleansing your environment and lighting a reversing candle should do the
trick. If this happens when burning a candle to bind someone who you feel is harming you it suggests stopping because it may possibly turned back on you.
A former member Posted May 10, 2009 11:11 AM Link to this reply
Post #: 805 The candle burns the top half of the glass black
If only the top part of the glass burns black this means that the spell was initially met with negativity before it began to work.
The candle burns the bottom half of the glass back
If it is a candle for prosperity or luck, negativity was sent your way and the candle detected it. If used to bind or for defensive purposes, the spirit of the person was alerted and reversed the spell.
The candle burns only on one side
This means that the spell will only be part way effective. This means that the wrong candle or candle dressing was used.
The glass cracks
If being used for self-protection,this means that the candle broke the negativity in the environment. This can also mean witchcraft or the presence of secret enemies. If being used to bind, it means the protection of the individual was broken.
The candle flame crackles
If for self-protection it means that someone is talking about you and has bad intentions directed towards you. If being used to bind, it means the individual is thinking about you.
If the candle has more than one flame
The center or main flame represents you. If being used for protection each one other than the center one represents an enemy. If being used to bind or for self-defense, it means that the person is being helped by other people.
The candle flickers
When a candle flame flickers, this signifies the presence of spirits. Note: Be sure there are not errant and mundane explanations such as a ceiling fan, before assuming this.
The entire top of the candle including the wick is on fire
This means that the spell is being fought off by guardian spirits but more than likely, the spell will be successful.
The candle flame goes out during the spell
If the spell is for protection this means that while the job was being performed, witchcraft was directed your way and your spirits or wards were unable to fight it off. If directed towards another their spirits were able to fight the binding off & have alarmed the individual. Another type of spell or combination of spells must be performed.
Can a candle be extinguished and then lit again later?
Only a candle being used to bring prosperity or success to an individual may be extinguished before it has completely burned. If being used to bind someone, the candle flame must never be put out or the spell will not work generally speaking. The guardian spirits of the other individual will then have time to prepare and reverse it back on to you.
A former member Posted May 10, 2009 11:13 AM Link to this reply
Post #: 806 How do you put a candle flame out?
Placing a plate over the flame thus allowing the flame to extinguish itself naturally or use a candle snuffer.
What if a candle is extinguished and then relights itself?
This means that your guardian spirits do not want you to turn the candle off because they are detecting something good or bad for you. If the candle is extinguished they cannot assist you effectively.
What if a 7 day candle burns out before seven days?
This means that the spell is working fast and another candle must be lit immediately. Money is coming in regards to prosperity spells, a lot of negativity in regards to reversing spells and in spells of harm, that the individuals spirit is fighting it off but it will soon be successful.
What will make a candle spell work more effectively?
Using the appropriate incense, oils, herbal bath, salts, powders etc.
ShadoWalker has been a member of the site for 16 years, since Mar 04, 2009
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Check out these other Candle Magic articles
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I love just talking to the flame, communicating with flickers and such
My Matron Goddess is a fire Goddess [among other things] and I communicate with the candle flame. It can get huge and flicker a lot when she wants to get my attention. There's a distinct difference between the flame of her candle and the candle flames of my other deities [which are forest deities]
If you want to hear anything in the world, then just cross your fingers and say contorted 3 times. Then say ur signature 5 times. After that, jump 2 times. Mimick the sound of yourself hitting the ground.
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