@mrhellfirem. You are human, roleplayings against site rules. @Incremental you can become a powerful elementalist, but there are still natural limitations, if you expect to shoot fireballs from your hand it will never happen. At best you'll learn to make a candleflame grow/shrink. Elementalists work with the elements in their craft, they don't control them like The Avatar.
It has nothing to do with the spell because people can't control fire. Sometimes stressors (such as attempting magick) can cause some odd circulatory behaviors, which might be what it is. If it doesn't clear up soon I'd go to the doctor, because if it's a circulatory disorder it could cause some problems.
you can't control any of the elements, but, the reason your hands went cold is probably because you were releasing energy and not charging it. look into making psi balls and charging/grounding energy to get use to the flow of energy.
void of life means absent of life
Void simply means empty. Imagine a blank background of any color, Black is recommended so you could easier visualize the fireball
not true you can't crontroll fire but you can work with it you can use it enery basicly fire is visable enery and by useing it like your own you can move it then you can take the enery to a diferent place there for putting it out and take fire enery from a diffrent place there for starting one sorry for the bad spelling
Is there a way to control an element? For real? No spells have worked for me, and you sound like experts. What spells can i trust, and what spells cant i?
We do not control the elements. We only work with them. If you are having trouble making spells work, I would ask what your basis in spell working is: what do you know of how spells work?
You do not know that god could have gave one of his children on earth fire powers Nekoshema and magick is real I have tried it and it works you just have to believe.
1. Roleplaying is against site rules. 2. Not everyone believes in god [I don't believe in the biblical god] 3. I've been practicing witchcraft and magick for over 15 years, I know what's possible and not possible. You can work with the fire element, you can create fire out of nothing. No amount of belief will change reality.
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