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Original Post:
by: SilverVixen on Nov 22, 2008

The degrees of priesthood in the wiccan religion.

I found this site that has some GREAT info on this subject.


British Traditional Wicca; and many traditions that share the same spirit, core principles and guiding rationale; have a system of three degrees of Initiation.

In a broad sense, initiation to the first degree is open to all Witches, governed by what is expressed below. However the second and third degree criteria are quite demanding, and essentially anyone who seeks and becomes 2nd or 3rd degree is responding to a deep inner calling. Higher degrees aren't about levels of magickal prowess, power or learning: That is involved, but 2nd and 3rd degree Witches have people skills, management skills, communication and teaching skills as well as magickal skills. Those who aren't well balanced emotionally, psychologically and socially; and who don't have the appropriate skills; wouldn't be able to successfully lead a Coven, nor would they be able to fulfill all the requirements that would be needed of them.

One of the greatest problems that some Covens suffer from is that of having inexperienced or 'unqualified' people in leading positions- knowing all the rituals off by heart and having a dominant or charismatic personality does not alone make for a good High Priestess or High Priest.

Because of this we work within a strong but flexible training, development and assessment structure, and which then ensures that we do not unleash imbalanced, power hungry, exploitive or unstable people on to the community, who appear to have credibility because of their Initiatory degree status.

See the information at the end of this section on how the Alexandrian initiatory 'tree' works- who is qualified to initiate to each degree within the Craft.

Let's first of all take a look at the basics of this in a simple way:

First degree: Is for those newly coming into the Craft. As you will see elsewhere in the information about Initiation, this brings the new Witch into the Coven, connects them with the Coven group-mind, connects them to the Inner Plane power sources which that Coven and Tradition works with, and Initiates- starts them on their path in a powerful and guided way.

Second degree: Marks the beginning of a deeper path within the Craft, and acknowledges the commitment, work and effort that the 2nd degree candidate has made following their first degree initiation.

Third degree: Is granted to those of sufficient experience and knowledge who are either in a working partnership together and are going to leave their parent Coven to form a new one, or for a small number of individuals who do not have a working Craft partner to form a new Coven with, and who have been Initiates for sufficiently long that they are becoming Elders of the Craft and of their Coven.

That's the basics, and now we'll look at that in greater depth.

First degree: There are a number of approaches to this. Some Covens and some traditions take rather a "Bring 'em in and let the Goddess sort them out" type of approach, by initiating people very quickly, and before they have gained much knowledge and experience of the Craft and it's principles. On the basis that they can and will learn all they need to know thereafter. Others; including Galdraheim; require that before anyone is initiated first degree that they have gained at least some knowledge and experience, have learnt basics such as generally used chants, circle principles, simple energy work, Coven etiquette, etc. This way they can then learn much more, more quickly by training and learning with a sponsor of either 2nd or 3rd degree, and have a basic foundation on which to do so.

Second degree: Many people never move beyond 1st degree- which is fine, but some who do want to deepen their knowledge and extend their Craft skills into such areas as craft-work, herbalism, incense making, practical magick, ritual and ceremony, and who want to be much more actively involved in rituals, the running of the Coven and its circles, training and helping new initiates and candidates, and other more challenging areas; do aspire to 2nd degree.

It must be stressed before we go any further that 2nd and 3rd degrees bring responsibility- there is a saying that "Rank brings its privileges", but in the Craft that shifts to "Rank brings responsibilities". '2nd degrees within most Covens are usually involved in mustering up the 1st degrees to get organised, and in the delegation of necessary tasks such as cleaning and setting up the temple, laying out food and similar tasks, but that's never an excuse for anyone 'throwing their weight around'.

Third degree: This degree is mostly for those couples who are going to leave their parent coven so as to form a new one. This process is known as 'hiving-off'. It is also sometimes granted to those of long Craft experience, but who do not have a working partner of equal experience, and whom are therefore going to stay with their Coven as Elders.

In order to receive this degree, candidates must be 2nd degrees of good experience, and with the necessary people, organisational, social, magickal and ritual skills to be able to run a working Coven in a good way that benefits, empowers and nourishes all members thereof.

Within that a broad criteria is that it is generally granted to couples of sufficient actual age to have gained plenty of life experience so that they can work with new people in a good way- there is nothing more potentially disruptive of a Coven than having immature people leading it. I have to say that parenthood that has included being the parent of teens is about the best training that any HPs or HP can have. Couple that with good magickal and energy awareness skills so that the HPs can feel what Coveners are doing with the energy they raise, and so that they can 'carry' and encourage those who may be lacking, and we have the basis for a very well grounded and powerful Coven.

These aren't skills that are exclusive to those with long parenting experience, and it also has to be said that a new HPs, with the support of her HP can develop the balance needed by sheer dint of hard work and 'making people have it' till it all does come together well. This can be wearing on all involved, but there is a Craft saying of being prepared to "Suffer to learn", that if we hold to will help us to learn.

For those who are not going to found covens themselves and who are developing into Craft Elders, the criteria are much the same: Craft Elders need to be fully able to step into the shoes of the HPs or HP on those occasions when they are needed, and must be able to do so without indulging in petty 'power-play' or other ego games. They must also be able to shoulder some of the counseling, advisory and teaching work that would otherwise fall entirely onto the HPs or HP.

Without going into much greater depth, these are the basics of the Wiccan degree system 'in a nutshell', and should provide you with a basic but clear understanding of how and why this works within the Craft. You should clearly see from this that the degree system therefore provides a framework of support, and a clearly defined structure to help you along the Wiccan path.

For those of 1st degree; and those who seek initiation; the degree system also provides a rich source of knowledge and experience to draw from. Having people around you of experience and knowledge with 'pickable brains' makes life considerably easier- that can range from help in memorising chants and invocations so that you can use those fluently and confidently within rituals, to what's the best wood to use for making a Wand. As well as that a good Coven provides a collective pool of skills for all members to draw from- from herbal remedies to Tarot readings, to having access to a wide range of books, to anecdotes and experiences shared.

If also you have an HPs and HP with experience and good people/life skills, then any conflicts and arguments between people can be quickly resolved without conflict, and you always have someone to turn to for advice and guidance in your life.

The criteria for what skills, knowledge and abilities that are required for each initiation with Galdraheim Coven are fully laid out in our booklet as detailed elsewhere on this web site, but I've included the information about First degree here so that you can see how this works. Which is taken from my booklet detailed elsewhere on this web site- "Wicca, the craft of the wise".

Essential Skills for first Degree

This listing details the requirements that are expected of those who are entering the Craft. Many people first set out on a Wiccan path with much of this already part of their lives, some have only a basic grasp of these principles and practices. What is important is that all strive to achieve these skills and principles to the best of their ability.

The usual period of training before first degree initiation is the traditional 'year and a day'. We are flexible in this- if a new candidate has already undergone training in another Coven which has disbanded, or if they've had to move away from their Coven, or if they have already developed good skills and resources as detailed below, then the probationary period can be shortened appropriately.

It must be said here that a major reason why we have a probationary period is to give people time in which we can truly get to know them, and them us- no matter how magickally adept any person is, if they feel they are above temple cleaning or running the occasional coven errand, or if they try dominating other coveners or make other consistent breaches of circle etiquette, then we want to be able to 'weed them out' before they get in.

* Knows and accepts the fundamental Laws and tenets of the Craft and is sincerely dedicated to treading the Wiccan Way in kinship with nature, other beings of all planes, and all that is, in full awareness and acceptance of the principle of personal responsibility.

* Understands the Coven principles and basic circle etiquette, etc as detailed elsewhere.

* Has rapport with other Coveners (or with your 2nd/3rd Degree Sponsor)

* Has gathered together the basic Witches tools of- Athame, Cords, Robe and a robe belt.

* Has learned the ?Witches Rune?.

* Has developed basic visualisation skills.

* Can ?Ground and centre?. That is, can gather and hold personal power and sense of connectedness within rituals in a reasonably balanced way, and can still the mind to a quiet and focused level.

* Can enter the twilight-altered state of consciousness in which magic happens.

* Can sense true Power Flow (i.e. senses it if it is there and doesn't if it isn't) and channels Power for magickal work (with guidance).

* Is acquainted with the theory of the Elements, similar basic Wiccan theories and principles, and can tap the basic elemental energies for such as consecrating working tools.

* Has participated in Wiccan rituals and experienced true group rapport.

The intent for first degree Wiccans is to demonstrate an understanding of, and commitment to, the Wiccan way of living, and having the basic skills to be able to participate in Circles rather than passively observing.

We set these criteria so as to ensure that we work with people who truly do want to walk this path: Wicca is a path for those who want to walk it, and our main initial criteria in regard to anyone who seeks to join our circle is very simply- "Would you do this even if if you never met another Witch to do it with"?

Quite simply, anyone who has to be made to do anything within this: Won't be- we teach in the sense of encouraging people, of providing resources and guidance to help them, and not in the sense of making people learn when they're not willing to do so. Our favourite kind of trainee is one who stretches us, and who when we give them material to learn is back very quickly asking for more, and who wants to learn everything they possibly can.

The Initiatory "Tree".

In the Craft there are guidelines and rules as to who can initiate who.

In all circumstances a man must be initiated by a woman, and a woman by a man. Except a woman can initiate her daughter or son to the first or second degree if there is no other woman or man as appropriate of the appropriate degree to do so. In exceptional circumstances a man can initiate his daughter to the first degree if the HPs is also the mother of that daughter.

First degrees can only initiate others in specific circumstances:-

1. As a 'stand-in' partner to a 2nd or 3rd degree in an 'emergency' situation. Such as if there is no one of higher degree to do this. For example if a far-flung member of the Coven is undergoing initiation and the HPs/HP is absent, and the initiation cannot be reasonably postponed until the HPs/HP can be present.

2. If a coven has ceased to meet and a first degree wishes to elevate a working partner or spouse so that they can work together.

3. In all circumstances, a first degree can only initiate to the first degree. They can be involved in initiations to the 2nd degree as a stand in partner for the person initiating, but cannot be the initiator in these circumstances.

In all cases; except that at 2. as above; initiations performed by first degree Witches must be within an established Coven, and should be under the guidance and supervision of a third degree Witch.

1. Those of the second degree can initiate to the first and second degrees within a Coven; in accordance with the guidelines for first degrees. Except that a second degree Witch can temporarily take over the running of a Coven if the 3rd degree HPs or HP retires or leaves the Craft, and there is no third degree High Priestess or High Priest to do so.

2. In which case they should follow the guidelines as at 3. below.

3. Second degree Witches should only 'hive-off' or otherwise found new Covens under very exceptional circumstances, and should seek guidance and peer support from the HPs or HP of another Coven so that they can continue their training and development in a structured and supported way to third degree.

4. If a first or second degree Witch leaves a Coven for negative reasons they do not have the authority to found a new Coven or initiate people in order to form a new Coven. Within that we have to accept that at times there are personality clashes, and so those who do leave their Coven for apparently negative reasons should seek the help and support of their sisters and brothers of the Craft to help them.

These guidelines and rules are not dogmatic or inflexible, and their sole purpose is to help the Craft grow and be strong. For example, the stricture against first degree Wiccans performing initiations or founding Covens helps prevent the growth of groups that are led by inexperienced people- if you are considering joining a Coven, would you want that to be led by someone of little experience and with very low levels of expertise and experience in all appropriate areas and subjects? Or would you prefer that to be with people of deep experience and high levels of expertise and wisdom? It's an easy question to answer....

As well as that initiations have a powerful magickal and spiritual component. Which is best- to have your inner power and spiritual connections 'plugged in' by an experienced person or by someone whose ego is greater than their experience? Another question with a very simple answer... It is this magickal and spiritual area which is governed by the cross-gender initiatory practise.

For every rule there is always at least one exception, and I'm sure some people will think of some to tell me about! Do bear in mind what the intent of this structure is:- to ensure that the Craft is led by experienced, skilled and well motivated people, and to ensure that it is not tainted or sullied by those whose egos exceed their experience, or those who would use the cloak of the Craft to exploit others or expand their own egos further.