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Original Post:
by: sash on Dec 19, 2008

Hi every1, I'm here trying to find my path in life!!!! I'm in my 30's and as a child refused to enter into any religion. My Father was R.C, my Mother Church Of Ireland, I then Married a Muslim..I believe in God but not in religion, As a result I haven't had much happiness in my life because my family try to convert me into what they feel is right and then my husband tried the same and as a result of that I seperated from him, I feel that my beliefs are just as important to me as theirs are to them. I have never found any sort of peace in any religion. I have always been interested in Wicca and feel now that it is time to learn more about witchcraft and what interests me and maybe then I will find the happiness that I have been searching for for so long!!!!
Tanx for reading, all help and advise greatly appreciated.