Samhain- (Pronounced Sow-en) and is also called Halloween today, is the ending of the Celtic year. The New Celtic year actually begins on the sunset of October 31. This particular holiday is also know as " Ancestor Night " and or " The Day of the Dead ". This is because the veil between spiritual and physical are thinnest. This time of the year is a perfect time for " Divination ". Feasts are made for dead ancestors and the continuous life. This holiday is also a great time to solve problems and start new.
Yule and or Winter Solstice- This holiday happens about December 21. This particular holiday is the death and rebirth of the "Sun God" , the days are shortest, the sun is at it's lowest point. The most powerful full moon of the whole year is said to happen after Yule. The ritual of the Yule Holiday is a light festival. You get as many candles as you can near or on a alter in welcome of the Sun God/
Imbolc- Febuary 1st or the full moon of Aquarius, is the time for cleansing and newborn lambs. The name of this holiday " Imbolc " come from the word " Oimelc " or also know as sheep's milk. This is a festival for the maiden in preparations for growing and renewal.
Ostara or also know as Spring Equinox- This happens around March 21, is when light and dark are in balanced, but the light is getting stronger. This was not originally part of the Celtic year, and all of it associations were given to the Baltaine until recent events, because this was named Teutonic Goddess of spring and newlife, Eostre, it is assumed that this was brought by Saxons.
Baltaine- This Celtic year is on May 1, is also the first full moon of Taurus. Other names for it is Mayday or Ladyday. This is for a fertility festival, with nature enchantments offerings to the wildlings and elementals. The Powers of elves and Faeries are going and will reach fullest on the Summer Solstice. This is a time for greater magic(k). This is a time for all divinations and establishing a woodland or garden shrine. The house guardians should be honored as well at this time.
Litha also know as the Summer Solstice- This Celtic year is on about June 21st, The sun is at it's highest before sliding back into darkness. Traditionally this time of year, is believe to gather very powerful herbs. The elves and fairies are abound in great numbers.
Lughnassadh- This Celtic year is on August 1, this is also the first full moon of Leo. This is also a preharvest festival, the turning point in Mother Earth's year. The last bit of herbs are gathered. This is also the celebration of the God Lugh's wedding to Mother Earth.
Mabon the Autumn Equinox- this Celtic year is about September 21, This is also know as the rest after labor, it's the completion of harvest. Again the night and day are in balance, but this time the night grows stronger, the preparations of the darkest of the year begins.