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Original Post:
by: kezzaroobles on Oct 01, 2008

Hi there

I had the wierdest experience last night and wondered what you guys make of this.

I have been having some relationship problems lately and cast a spell last week to see if t might help. I don't think its worked, since nothing has actually changed, and I have never cast a spell that worked yet anyway, so it was no surprise that it didn't work.

Anyway, last night, I was tired, and went to bed early. I was laid in bed thinking about how things could be if only we could get round the obstacles, and was thinking about us cuddled up in bed. Anyway, the next thing, I got the wierdest warm feeling that someone was laid behind me, cuddled up to me. I couldn't physically feel there arms, but I could feel the energy, you know like you do when someone is there. It was a warm loving feeling, not a scary feeling (I am a wimp and would have screamed the house down had it felt scary lol). I could even feel the shape of the energy, I was laid on my side with my knees up, and this invisible 'person' was laid in the same position, cuddled in to my back with an arm over me. I have never had a mental illness, I have never had hallucinations, and my imagination is rubbish, I have never been able to create things in my mind that I want to happen, I even struggle with visulisations, so this was wierd. But I did't want it to go away, it was such a nice feeling. And my whole body felt alive, like it was being generated by something, for want of a better word. It was so wierd but so nice.
Eventually the feeling went and I tried to make it happen again, but couldn't which is sad.

What do you guys make of this? Am I totoally nuts and engaging in some serious wishful thinking, am I suffering from a mental illness....or is it somehthing amazing that I don't understand?

Looking forward to your input

Kez x