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Forums -> Comments -> Re: Trouble on this site
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Original Post:
by: solidnik_ on Mar 25, 2018

I get tired of people on here trying to scare people or scam people out of money and information. This site is used to share and get advice, tips etc. some people even offer help, however if you know you don?t even do magic or have interest in it please do not try an help! If a perosn messages you asking for help or ask a question, you either help or not. Don?t try and scare the person by saying a spirit is on them and his or her life in danger and don?t be trying to threaten someone if they choose not to believe you. People are bullies on here and full of nonsense this is not a Joke sure most people on here are young and some
are older. Have some respect for everyone tired of this. Where are the people who suppose to be monitoring this site?