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Original Post:
by: Pict on Jun 04, 2024

Hello, I am just beginning to dabble in the esoteric. I have always struggled with faith and belief and still struggle with past prejudices with religions Abrahamic and neopagan.
Ever since a trip to Iceland back in 2017 I've noticed crows at moments of serenity, or when I have needed guidance. Then back in 2023 my father got really sick, I started dreaming of crows and then the following morning a crow woke me up by pecking at my window.
Since then I have decided to investigate further and it has led me to Medb.

I love learning about new cultures, practices, folklore etc. I am cis-male and an ally of the LGBTQIA+ community. I hope to learn as much as possible about all things esoteric as I begin the path