Black Twilight

Covens Black Twilight
Membership Information
Join :Accepting Applications

The Library
"In the dark we can see the stars and all the thing the eye was blinded by the light with" -Bliss

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More about Black Twilight

Who We Are:

In Black Twilight, we are a collective of those that seek to understand and work with the dark and shadow aspects of magic. We are a friendly group of students, educators, and practitioners from all branches of magic that have come together to learn and grow. All are welcome within our group, as long as they are mature and respectful.

Black Twilight is a group dedicated to the darker areas of magical practice and spellwork. Here, we do not fear the darkness; we embrace it and work with it. We understand it, and in so doing, better understand the shadow aspects of ourselves.

The group seeks to offer knowledge and enlightenment to those that walk the pathways less traveled. We are a haven to those that find the light within the darkness and turn the forces therein to their will.

Applying to Black Twilight:

If you would like to join, you must send your application to Bliss(Blissishappy) the following information:

Please Note : You need to both send a list of the completed application questions to the Priest and Priestess and click on the apply button on our coven page if you want to be considered for membership. Please have a Profile Picture (something that represents you) and have something written in your Personal Bio on your member profile. If you have been accepted, you will receive a welcome mail within 24-48 hours of submitting your application.

  • What is magic to you?

  • What do name/s do you wish to be addressed by? What are your preferred pronouns?

  • Have you been a member of any other coven on this platform?

  • Areas of Study or Interest:

  • Level of Experience:

  • What do you hope to gain as a member of Black Twilight?

  • How active are you willing to be:

  • Please list any other accounts you have, or have had, here on SoM:

  • Anything else you would like to add?

Coven Activity Policy:

Members are encouraged to join a committee aligning with their interests to further their own knowledge and strengthen the coven. We hope to create a vibrant community of curious individuals and conduct original research.

Members are expected to participate and be active in the coven; prolonged inactivity may result in removal from the coven

Coven events shall be scheduled a minimum of one week in advance. If you cannot attend, please inform your coven mates on the appropriate thread.

We offer discussions and in the future we are looking to offer lectures, contests, and workshops for our members.

Within our coven you will find information on:

  • The Basic Principles of Magic and Spellwork

  • Herb and Crystal Magic

  • Spirit Work

  • Demonolatry

  • Deity Work

  • Sigils

  • Creation and Use of Tools

  • Elements

  • Trance Work and Altered States

  • Blood Magic

  • Curse Weaving

  • Ritual Work

  • Channeling


Sister Covens

  • Element Magick
  • Higher Magicks



* All information on this page is provided by the coven or person named and the contents of this page is not mediated by the administrators of the website. Please use common sense when following any directions on this page. Do not ingest anything which does not seem safe. If you suspect the content of this page to be intentionally deceiving please contact us immediately.