This spell is preferred to be used if uou desire one to see you for thr "first" time
You may need:
Your mind,
Quartz (preferably clear) for you and the other
A clear image of the one you desire in mind
You may need:
Your mind,
Quartz (preferably clear) for you and the other
A clear image of the one you desire in mind
For the first part of this spell you must have a clear mind, and if you truly desire to be with him or her, you must make the quartz almost into a necklace and hope he or she wears it
Focus on the one you desire, see the other in mind, and try your best to feel nothing but unconditional love towards the other.
Feel that love energy, and force it into the crystal. Visualize it traveling to the crystal that you game to the one you desire. Visualize the one feeling that energy, and slightly draw that energy from her towards you. Cut the energy between you and the other through this visualization
Wait patiently for the next week. Do the same process over and over with a little more energy being placed in your crystal. Each day a little more into it.
Within 2 weeks you will see a significant change in others behaviour towards you. Please do note, this causes a very small bind between both you and the other one you desire. The tie will also be broken as soon as you do not desire the other one anymore, and it does not mean they may like you like how you may like them. It will only show them who you are, and they may see you for the first time and interact with you.
Hold the Item in your left hand, point your wand or index finger at the Item and say "Bagahi Laca Bachabe" while closing your eyes and Imagining a white light entering the item. Then imagine what you want your Item to do E.G. For protection: Imagine a white circle surrounding you. Or for money: Imagine money raining from the sky and filling your wallet/purse.
Beginner spell. A very simple yet effective sleeping spell.
You may need:
Silent Meditation (Eyes Closed)
Sleepy...comfortable place.
OPTIONAL: Candle, pillow, bed, etc.
You may need:
Silent Meditation (Eyes Closed)
Sleepy...comfortable place.
OPTIONAL: Candle, pillow, bed, etc.
This is very simple yet very effective. I use this myself many nights. Now make sure you have all of the ingredients. Lighting a candle may sooth you. Depends on the person. Get comfortable.
Before you go to bed chant in a silent comfortable voice:
"Spirits of the Night,
Help me this week.
Spirits of the Night,
Help me gain sleep." (x3)
Outcome: It shouldn't make you go to bed instantly, but to let you awake in a relaxed state. You may not always be relaxed but you should at least feel more rested than usual.
P.S. This is my official spell that are written in my own words. If you have trouble ask me or rearrange the words to suit you. You have my permission to pass this on to a friend but please do not say it is of your own work. Thanks!