16 Health Spells from Dark Moon's Light
- Goofer Dust
- Bring Nightmares
- Three Times Three
- Cooling Your Anger
- Making Someone Dream of Death
- Enemy Hex
#11 - Goofer Dust
Take the graveyard dirt and mix with a little mullein, patchouli and a touch of brimspell (sulfur).This powder will burn. Shape into a human figure and ignite. As it burns it is supposed to hex whoever the figure represented with the result that the individual allegedly became ill.Another common usage is to sprinkle it on the doorstep of the one to be conjured, or to
place some in a bag that is hidden on the intended victim's property or hidden in the dwelling.
#12 - Bring Nightmares
Perform this spell on the night of a waning moon. Put one candle in each corner of the altar, one each side, and one on each corner of your pentagram. Anoint each candle with a non-purifying oil, working base to tip. Cast a circle.
Imagine the persons dream in perfect detail, replay it over and over in your minduntil the dream is completely clear in your head. Once it is visualize your thoughts traveling to the person, see the persons face and the dream seeping into their brain.
Invoke a dark deity or a deity of dreams and nightmares into your circle by saying: "I invoke thee, dark god, call thee by name. Incubus, enter my circle, I call you on this dark hour, to aid me in my dark deeds.I invoke thee dark goddess, call thee by name. White Lady, enter my circle, I call you on this dark hour, to aid me in my dark deeds".
Now state your purpose by saying: "Enchanting deities of the underworld, I call upon thee to help me perform my evil deeds.Come at once, aid this dream of terror, come at once to bring them horror. Crawl inside his/her head deep in the night, Bring him/her the dream I see so clear. Bring him/her my dream of fright. He/she shall never forget this dream I made, let it stay with him/her until her/his grave. Now go at once, travel the night, bring (persons name) dreams of fright".
Now sit comfortably and meditate.First see the dream traveling to the person again, and then clear your mind of all negative thoughts. Now close the circle and allow the candles to burn themselves out. After performing this spell it would be wise to perform a cleansing and purifying ritual on your house. You may also want to perform a spell for pleasant dreams. But then why spoil it!
#13 - Three Times Three
Chant while thinking about the person: "Wind in the north, run through the trees. Three times three, let them see. Sands in the east, rich soils beneath. Three times three, set them free. Fires in the south, awaken from sleep. Three times three, let them see. Water in the west, flow to the seas. Three times three, set them free".
It works best if you have something representing that person, like a strand of their hair or a fingernail (but this is optional). The spell may not work instantaneously, you may have to repeat it forthe person to see error in their ways.
#14 - Cooling Your Anger
Make a cup of your favorite tea. While it is seeping, chant: "Fiery anger, go away. Calmness come and with me stay. Soothe my mind so I can think. Steep peace of mind within this drink".
Aother alternative is to make yourself a nice cup of mint tea. Sweeten it. Chant the following over the tea before drinking: "Cool my anger, herb of mint. Honey/Sugar sweeten intent. My attitute, I ask you change. Toss heat and temper out of range".
#15 - Making Someone Dream of Death
Focus on the hate for the person and drain it in the water by passing your hand over or through the water. Put the pot on the stove to boil, put the stove on high heat. When the water starts to boil, throw in the jasmine and put in the celery. You could put the whole thing, so that it sticks up or break it into pieces. Once that is completed, let the water boil for a while and focus on your hate for the person, focus on what you want. I would find that hard to imagine so I just repeat what I want to happen to myself and just trust and know.
After youve done that for a while, put in the knife. Let the sharp part stick in the water and the handle part stick out of the pot. Leave to boil for as long as youd life
you could say an incantation to go along. Just make sure you say "With no true death to them". And thats it.
#16 - Enemy Hex
When the moon is in a waning phase, write on white parchment paper (or whatever you
have) the full name of the person you want to move, along with birth date if known.
Roll up the paper, with a photo if you have one, place inside a bottle of vinegar, then
toss into a body of running water, visualize your enemy moving away as the bottle
is washed away.