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111 Spiritual Spells from Divine Spirits

Covens Divine Spirits  ► Divine Spirits's Spellbooks  ► 111 Spiritual Spells
111 Spiritual Spells from Divine Spirits

Included in this list of 111 Spiritual Spells
  1. Incantation for Conjuring the Spirits of the Night
  2. Invocation to Banish Fear
  3. To Protect a Sleeping Mind
  4. Trapping Negative Energies
  5. Psychic Reception Spell
  6. Moon Spell
  7. Star Spell
  8. Heart of Stone
  9. Moon Child Spell
  10. Four Major Winds
#51 - #60
#71 - #80
#91 - #100
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#71 - Incantation for Conjuring the Spirits of the Night

To communicate with the spirits of the night by the voice of your mind.
You may need:

You may need:


Near to the midnight, find a dark and lonesome place for the most solitude. The room should have a window which can be opened, if not fully, at least partly.

Open the window.

One should prepare by sitting cross-legged on the floor, facing the north.

Clear your mind of all thoughts.

At the stroke of midnight, repeat the following invocation:

"Spirits of the night, I beseech thee,

Find favor with mine call and summons,

On the seven winds I beg thee travel,

And greet me in mine presence,

For a speaking of things that need bespoke,

From this moment hence,

Thy powers do I wish invoke,

For things that need be done".

Once this invocation has been spoken, close your eyes, clear your mind and welcome the spirits as they enter. There is no way that one may know how many may come, but remember that they should be greeted, one and each, as they enter. They may appear as apparitions, or one may only feel their presence.

When they have finished their arrivals, you may communicate with them using only the voice of your mind.

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Last edited on Oct 01, 2015
Part of the Divine Spirits Library.

#72 - Invocation to Banish Fear

An invocation to drive away the Spirits of Fear.
You may need:

  • Piece of White Cloth
  • Thyme,
  • Rosemary,
  • Freshly ground ginger root
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    You may need:

  • Piece of White Cloth
  • Thyme,
  • Rosemary,
  • Freshly ground ginger root
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    At the rising of the sun, on the twelfth day of the month, a piece of clean, white, fine cloth should be laid flat upon a table. An equal mixture of thyme, rosemary and freshly ground ginger root should be spread over it, evenly distributed, but not too heavy. The following invocation need be spoken aloud:

    ''Spirit of the Rising Sun

    Enter this place

    Allow thy face to shine brightly upon this offering

    That thy grace may be invoked.

    The Spirit of Fear hath taken up residence in mine humble home

    And apprehension has settled in not to be easily shaken loose

    Spirit of the Rising Sun hear my plea

    Let these spirits no more bother me

    Banish them to darkness and bid them take leave.

    Spirit of the Rising Sun fill the empty corners

    That lo, they may not loiter and hide

    Sweep the rooms with thine mighty hand

    Force them outside.

    Spirit of the Rising Sun

    I invoke your power

    That these things for which I ask

    Be done

    So it was, so it is, so it shall ever be''.

    When you have finished the invocation, carefully gather-up the cloth so as to not spill the mixture. Take the cloth full of mixture out of doors and shake it completely clean. The cloth should then be washed clean using soap and hot water.

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    #73 - To Protect a Sleeping Mind

    Sleep is the time of dreams and visits. The following incantation repeated aloud at one's bedtime will aid in the discouraging of unwanted visitors in the dreaming mind.
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    Before retiring for the night, repeat the following incantation aloud:

    ''Spirits of the night, I beseech thee,

    Find favor with mine call and plea,

    Draw close and circle round

    Mine mind I clear and lend to sleep.

    That sleep will use to rest the weary world

    Let not the world and those unfavorable things within it

    Visit upon mine mind unheralded

    Uninvited visitors be sent away

    Turned back

    Turned back to the dark depths

    Turned back to the sender whose name is never spoken

    That thus he may gain strength

    Gain strength and threaten those unable

    Unable or unknowing

    Unknowing or innocent

    Innocents in the world

    Sleeping as I sleep

    Spirits of the night, I beseech thee,

    Find favor with mine call and plea

    Find favor and protect mine mind

    Find favor and protect the innocents''.

    This is best repeated nightly so as to protect one�s mind and allow peaceful sleep and promote quiet dreams.

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    #74 - Trapping Negative Energies

    A spell to capture negative energies. This will enhance the power without negative thoughts.
    You may need:

  • A small glass jar with a lid
  • 7 rough stones of similar size
  • 1 Candle (any colour but white)
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    You may need:

  • A small glass jar with a lid
  • 7 rough stones of similar size
  • 1 Candle (any colour but white)
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    After the sun has set, light the candle and place it on a flat surface, such as a tabletop. One by one, place the stones in a circle around the base of the candle. Place the jar on the table, between you and the candle.

    With your left hand, take a stone and place it in the jar. Next, with your right hand hold the candle above the jar and speak aloud the following words:

    Candle's flame burning bright, By your flame on this night, Trap all evil, seal it well, In each stone, make it remain, Never to be loosed again.

    Still using your right hand, drip at least three drops of wax from the burning candle into the bottom of the jar, more is fine, but no less. Return the candle to its original position on the table. Allow the wax to cool and harden, this should only take a minute or two.

    Repeat the above steps, including speaking the words aloud, until all seven stones are in the jar.

    When all seven stones are in the jar, place the lid on the jar and extinguish the candle. Place the jar in a dark and secret place and leave it undisturbed. Never open the jar and never remove the stones. You can repeat the spell as needed to capture negative energies, but new materials should be used each time.

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    #75 - Psychic Reception Spell

    To allow Psychic messages to be recieved.
    You may need:

  • 1 Silver Candle
  • A bowl of water
  • A small stones
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    You may need:

  • 1 Silver Candle
  • A bowl of water
  • A small stones
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    In a darkened room, sit at a table. Make sure you are comfortable—the room should not be too cold or too warm.

    Light the candle and place it approximately an armÂ’s length away. Place the bowl of water on the table in front of you.

    Hold the stone, clasped firmly in your hand, close your eyes and allow your mind to go blank. Clear your thoughts and allow no worries to enter your mind. Once you have cleared your mind, slowly begin to focus on the stone in your hand. Allow your thoughts to begin channeling through the stone and imagine your thoughts spreading through the universe. Imagine your mind traveling through the stone to the open spaces of the universe and searching—searching for communications—allowing contact and being warmly receptive. When you feel relaxed and receptive and you are comfortable with where your mind is, open your eyes and gently drop the stone into the water.

    Dip the index finger of your right hand into the water and with your moistened finger, trace a circle, three times, one over the other, on your forehead. Lean over the water and allow your mind to remain connected, through the stone, with the universe. Allow the messages to be received.

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    #76 - Moon Spell

    This spell is used for gaining the favor of the powers of the Moon. It is an excellent spell for adding vitality to your life.
    You may need:

  • Moon Oil or natural vegetable oil
  • A small glass of your favorite beverage
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    You may need:

  • Moon Oil or natural vegetable oil
  • A small glass of your favorite beverage
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    On the eve of a full moon, close to midnight, dip the tip of your right index finger into either Moon Oil or natural vegetable oil and trace a pentacle on a flat surface, such as a tabletop or counter top. Light five candles and place one at each point of the pentacle. In the center of the pentacle, place a small glass of your favorite beverage.

    Recite the following incantation:

    I call to the Moon

    That her powers cast upon this night

    Be caught and kept

    Consumed in faith

    Revered and praised

    Used for the good intent

    That no evil shall pass

    Lest all be undone

    And this spell be for naught

    Bright moon

    May your blessings and energy

    Live within me

    Quickly, drink the beverage and starting at any point, extinguish the candles in a clockwise rotation.

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    #77 - Star Spell

    A spell for the power of wisdom and knowledge. This spell can be used to enhance one's ability to learn and to acquire knowledge and wisdom rapidly.
    You may need:

  • 3 sticks of wood of equal length
  • A length of twine
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    You may need:

  • 3 sticks of wood of equal length
  • A length of twine
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    You must be outside, under the open sky, when the spell is cast. You do not need to be able to see the stars, so an overcast sky is fine. On the night you wish to cast this spell, go out to a quiet and secluded place. Once you have found a suitable place, kneel on the ground and meditate on your desire, be it general or specific. You should think clearly as to what it is you desire most in the way of wisdom or knowledge.

    Next, take the three sticks of wood and lay them flat on the ground to form a triangle. In the center of the triangle, place the index finger of each of your hands, tips side-by-side and held firmly against the earth, as if with both fingers you are pointing in unison at that one spot.

    Speak the following words aloud three times: "Stars of heaven, Family of our Mother Earth, Ancients who are present now, Likewise at her birth, Impart to me, that which I seek, Clear and true and bright, Make now mighty what is weak, In this single night."

    Once you have finished speaking the words, pick up the sticks and, with the cord, tie them in a bundle. Place the bundle in a secure place where it will remain undisturbed for three consecutive nights, including this first night. On the morning of the fourth day, the bundle may be removed and discarded.

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    #78 - Heart of Stone

    A protection spell for the heart. This spell is used to fortify one's self against the advances of an unsuitable or dangerous lover or suitor.
    You may need:

  • 4 White Candles
  • A small sharp or jagged stone
  • A compass
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    You may need:

  • 4 White Candles
  • A small sharp or jagged stone
  • A compass
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    A sharp or jagged stone must be obtained. The stone should be small enough so that it may be easily carried on one's person and remain undetected. A sharp-edged jewel suits the purpose well and cleverly hides its intent. A ring with any natural, cut stone is perfect, as are any natural, cut stones with sharp edges. Any small rock that is jagged or sharp will work quite well, so long as it may be easily carried. A pearl or smooth stone will not work.

    Light the four candles at midnight, on the night of a full moon and place the candles to represent North, East, South and West. Use the compass to determine the locations of the candles. The stone or jewel should be placed in their center.

    Once all the candles and the stone are in place, speak the following words aloud:

    Stone of the ground, Formed by the strength of Mother Earth�s mighty hand, Pass your power to my heart, That it may hold a firmer stand, Keep off that which tries pass, To hurt, to twist, to impart pain, Lay your boundary, solid, strong, That may not come through again.

    Extinguish the candles. The stone should be worn or carried any time you feel the need for added strength and security against an intrusion to your heart.

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    #79 - Moon Child Spell

    A spell to receive protection. This spell draws upon the power of both the Earth and moon for protection and power.
    You may need:

  • A jewel that you regularly wear or carry (a ring with a jewel is perfect)
  • Fresh spring water (one cup)
  • Fresh moss
  • A clean drinking cup
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    You may need:

  • A jewel that you regularly wear or carry (a ring with a jewel is perfect)
  • Fresh spring water (one cup)
  • Fresh moss
  • A clean drinking cup
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    Two days prior to a full moon, wrap the jewel in the moss and allow it to remain so overnight. The next morning, remove the jewel from the moss, dispose of the moss and wash and rinse the jewel thoroughly. Do not wear the jewel that day.

    The following morning, the day before the full moon, fill the cup with the spring water and place the jewel in the cup. Cover the cup to keep impurities out. Allow it to remain so, undisturbed, overnight.

    The following day, on the evening of full moon, after the moon has risen, stir the water three times with your right forefinger in a clockwise motion. Take the cup in your hands and in a clockwise, stirring motion, move the cup in a clockwise, circular, stirring motion three times. Then, repeat these words aloud:

    Moon, bright moon, Child of the Mother Earth, Send down your power and strength, Impart them to this jewel, Stone of the ground, seed of the heavens, In the flowing crystal water, Milk from your mother, sustenance of the child, While distant, still one, Provide me with your protection and power, Grant me peace and strength, So as the mother demands, moon child, So it must be done.

    First, raise the cup towards the sky. Next, drink a few sips of the water. Finally, remove the jewel from the cup and spill the remaining water on the ground. Carry or wear the jewel to ensure your protection.

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    #80 - Four Major Winds

    An ancient protection spell which draws upon the strength of the wind for its power.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    On the night of a full moon, go outside to an open area where you will be exposed to the moon's full light. Facing north repeat the following words: "Spirit of the north wind, hear my voice!" Then, face to the east and repeat the same words, only this time call to the spirit of the east wind. Then do the same with the south and then finally the west:

    Turn to the north once again and repeat the following words: "Spirits of the winds gather near and hear my plea. I come to ask that you guard me with the powers granted you. That the neither earth nor water shall hold sway and that no evil abomination be let enter the circle of protection that the Spirit of the Moon has cast upon me. Enter now unto your hand this simple task. This be your will, this thing I ask".

    Still facing north, repeat the following words: "The spirit of the north. It shall be so!" Then face east and say the same, then south and finally west. The spell is done.

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    Last edited on Sep 27, 2015
    Part of the Divine Spirits Library.

    111 Spiritual Spells from Divine Spirits