4 Beauty Spells from Magical Knights
4 Beauty Spells from Magical Knights
Included in this list of 4 Beauty Spells
1#1 - #4
#1 - Lavnder pillow spray (V3)
A recipe of my own for aromatic lavender spray for your pillow to assist you in getting to sleep. You can also use my sleeping potion before using the spray on your pillow!
You may need:
A spray bottle, preferably small
A bigger bottle to put remainder of mixture that's not in the spray bottle in
For the spray:
Lavender essential oil, as many drops as you want
Eureka Lavender scented water soluble solution
Some crushed lavender buds
A bit of powdered lavender
You may need:
A spray bottle, preferably small
A bigger bottle to put remainder of mixture that's not in the spray bottle in
For the spray:
Lavender essential oil, as many drops as you want
Eureka Lavender scented water soluble solution
Some crushed lavender buds
A bit of powdered lavender
- Put the water in a deep bowl and add the water soluble solution.
- Put the crushed lavender buds and essential oil in.
- Say the blessing a few times.
- Mix well.
- Put a little bit in the spray bottle and the rest in the bigger bottle
- Spray a bit of the spray onto your pillow and have an aromatic pillow and pillowcase! :)
- Store the remainder of the spray out of reach of non-you people.
Blessing: I bless this mixture by the day and night, sun and moon to bring about good sleep and pleasant dreams as I sleep. So mote it be! By my will, it shall be that I get bad dreams warded off
morallaurel has been a member of the site for 2 years, since Mar 08, 2023
#2 - Sleeping potion (V2)
Can be used in conjunction with lavender pillow spray, but consumed before spraying the spray on your pillow.
You may need:
Amethyst water
2 pieces Catapres (only if prescribed- or not- 1 whole and one crushed)
Chamomile tea-bag
Mixing tool
A bit of powdered lavender
Mixing tool
Bottle to store rest of cooled potion for future use- I recommend a Powerade bottle or a Coca-Cola bottle.
You may need:
Amethyst water
2 pieces Catapres (only if prescribed- or not- 1 whole and one crushed)
Chamomile tea-bag
Mixing tool
A bit of powdered lavender
Mixing tool
Bottle to store rest of cooled potion for future use- I recommend a Powerade bottle or a Coca-Cola bottle.
- Boil the amethyst water in the kettle.
- Pour the boiled amethyst water into the mug and put the chamomile tea-bag in and let infuse until cooled.
- Put the pot on the stove and put the cooled chamomile tea in.
- Put all other ingredients in and mix well for 3 minutes until you feel ready to turn off the stove and let it cool.
- Chant this 4-5 times: I charge this by the day and night, sun and moon to help me to sleep. As I sleep, let me keep dreams of light throughout the night and all nights to come. So Mote It Be!
- Measure out half a cup of it and put in mug and drink.
- Put the rest in the bottle and put the lid on the bottle and put the bottle in a cool, dry place.
morallaurel has been a member of the site for 2 years, since Mar 08, 2023
#3 - Singing voice potion + blessing
Drink half a cup of this every day of practising singing a few minutes before practsing singing, set your intention before and then practise singing, won't yeild immediate results, will only start giving results after last day of drinking potion, setting intention and then practising singing.
You may need:
A few spoons of lemon juice
Room-tmperature water
A teaspoon of maple syrup & honey
Pot or cauldron
Mixing tool
Strawberry juice
Black Elderberry juice
pinch crushed camomile
1 spoon of crushed basil
Heat to put pot or cauldron on
Bottle or jar
1/2-cup measuring spoon to measure out half a cup when you're putting it in your favourite mug
You may need:
A few spoons of lemon juice
Room-tmperature water
A teaspoon of maple syrup & honey
Pot or cauldron
Mixing tool
Strawberry juice
Black Elderberry juice
pinch crushed camomile
1 spoon of crushed basil
Heat to put pot or cauldron on
Bottle or jar
1/2-cup measuring spoon to measure out half a cup when you're putting it in your favourite mug
Blessing: I, (name), bless this potion with the ability to aid me with my singing voice, it shall be that I have a beautiful singing voice after (time-slot) of practising singing, by my will, it shal be that my singing voice is better by the end of (time slot), in conjunction with setting my intention and actually practising singing, so mote it be!
- Put the pot or cauldron on the heat, put in the water and lemon juice.
- Put in the maple syrup & honey.
- Put the crushed camomile and basil in.
- Put in the black elderberry and strawberry juice.
- Mix well, while saying the blessing.
- Allow time to cool and then, measure out half a cup at a time of the potion into the bottle or jar and close the lid tight.
- Reserve a half a cup of the potion in the pot or cauldron and put reserved half cup into your favourite mug.
- Drink the half-cup of potion and set your intention before practising singing,and then start practising singing for an amount of time of your choosing.
morallaurel has been a member of the site for 2 years, since Mar 08, 2023
#4 - Nail of Anger
Have you got anger problems? Can't control your anger? This relevantly old spell can solve your problem?
You may need:
Plenty of small or medium sized
A 4-5cm thick wooden plank
Hardware gloves
Next place you left hand on the plank and your right hand facing straight ahead then recite this ''I ask the earth to swallow my anger and set me free, this is my plea so mote it be!''
Now whenever you areangry take a nail and hammer it inside the plank do this for a week. At the end of the week wear your hardware gloves and take out all the nails using only your hands. You can do this for as long as you wish or until your anger starts getting undercontrol. Note: you must take all the nails out before you can hammer anymore in.
After you are done take your wooden plank and barry it in the dirt and do the same with nails. At the end thank the earth.
Aeson has been a member of the site for 11 years, since Dec 25, 2013
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Mar 11, 2014
Last edited on Feb 25, 2018
Part of the Magical Knights Library.
Last edited on Feb 25, 2018
Part of the Magical Knights Library.
4 Beauty Spells from Magical Knights
1#1 - #4