Cleanse your ritual space as usual and then face east. Light the candle. Add the salt to the pestle and mortar and say "Creature of earth, I cleanse and purify you for use in my healing rite" . Add the rowen berries and chant: "Creature of healing, I cleanse and purify you for use in my healing rite". Add the pink rose buds and chant: "Creature of love, I cleanse and purify you for use in my healing rite".
Now grind the ingredients together focus your energy going from your hands and into the mixture. Grind the three things together and as you do chant three times: "Rowen, rose and salt together, make the aches and pains feel better". Add your personal reason behind the rite if its going to be used specifically. After it is ground take the rose quartz and knell facing east.
Hold back your head and look to the heavens. At this point ask whichever deity you want to help this healing mix do its work. Feel the connection to you via the crystal. When it feels right (and only you will know), channel the energy into the crystal and place it next to the candle. Transfer the mix into the bag and place it into the jar. Put the crystal on top of the bag and screw the top on tightly as you do, say with passion "Heal" and then put it in a safe place till needed.
Thank the God/Goddess you have used then close your circle as normal. And blow the candle out to close the rite. When it comes to use the mixture, take the crystal out show your respect to its healing power. Mix into running water chanting three time: "Creature of earth, creature of water, creature of healing, creature of love: Mix together and combine to renew, replenish and heal". This is used in baths, foot baths or anything where you submerge in water.
Cast a circle as normal, calling the quarters and erecting a barrier of energy. Consecrate all of the items which you are going to use then lay them out on your altar. Now,sprinkle the cinnamon over all of the objects and chant: "herb for healing, herb for hope, herb for strength, herb help me cope.I call on thee, Spirits of Water, Earth, Fire, and air, to aid me in this healing"
Bind the green ribbon around the jar three times, as you bind it chant: "Thrice I bind Thee, and so with nine calls, you will heal". Put all of the small objects and the glitter into the jar, screw on the lid, and shake it nine times...and as you shake it say: "Power of Healing, I command you, heal (name of person) from all sickness!"
Finally, thank the elements and the guardians of the watchtowers, and take down the circle.When you have finished, keep the jar in a safe place, and every time you need the power of healing take it out and shake it nine times, saying the following over and over: "(name of person) be well, (name of person) be free of sickness!"
Has someone hurt you emotionally? This spell works to help keep bad feelings away after this kind of trauma.
You may need:
1 black or navy blue candle
Paper and pen
Fireproof dish
You may need:
1 black or navy blue candle
Paper and pen
Fireproof dish
Using the pen, inscribe the candle with the word "depression," then make a list of all the things you're upset and depressed about. It's important to be brutally honest here, so don't leave anything out, even if you think it's silly. Once you've finished, light the candle and place the list in front of it. Visualize yourself plucking each item on the list from your life, and totally destroying it.
Handle these one by one until you can see that they all cease to live, then say something like: " Depression, that which cause doubt from my heart, I cast you out. I am strong and you are weak. Havoc you no longer wreak. As I pluck you from my life, I melt away all pain and strife".
Place the list in the fireproof dish, then set the list on fire, saying something like: "There is no room for compromise. Burn to ashes before my eyes. And with you dies your hold on me. As i will, so mote it be". After the ashes cool, flush them down the toilet.
I found this spell and I can not remember where but it works and I use it all the time. Thank you who ever wrote this Spell.
You may need:
Blue Candle
You may need:
Blue Candle
Spell for healing others.
Light a blue candle and visualize the person who needs healing. When the picture is clear in your mind, target the area of disease and color it bright red. Now visualize tiny workers brushing soft green paint over that spot. Hold the picture until the spot is completely painted over.
Open your eyes and chant:
"I hold you in my heart and wrap you in my love.
My circle of protection descends now from above. As I send this energy, all pain shall disappear, all disease shall dissipate and shrivel up in fear.
The emptiness I now replace with fresh vitality,
so you may thrive upon the Earth in laughter, love and glee.
Bright blessings and good health, my friend, encase you from now on.
I ask that they watch over you and keep you well and strong."
After a deep meditation(not needed but suggested), bring your hands close together, palm to palm about an inch or two apart, and begin moving them in circular motions. While moving your hands focus much of your energy into a ball of energy in between your hands. This will empower your hands.
Bring a chosen hand of your's, the hand you feel the most power with, and lower it to the wound. Leave it about an inch or two above the area. This can also work for feeling emotionally harmed, and focus on flowing all of the energy you just created in between your palms into the harmed area. Afterwords lower the hand completely so it is touching the area and focus on completely healing it.
With much practice the healing can be very rapid, if someone is a begginner to this it will cause the wound to heal much faster than normal. Results can vary to right away to three days.
You may, and most likely will, feel a bit drained after preforming this spell.
This spell will inflict serious pain on te enemy for three days and then the spell will be lifted and they will be made well.
You may need:
Black candle
Picture of person being cursed
You may need:
Black candle
Picture of person being cursed
Take a black candle and place a picture of your enemy in front of it. Tilt the candle so the wax drips upon the would-be victim in the picture. Visualize the wax burning sores into the body of the enemy. While doing so, recite the following 3 times:
"As I do this candle spell bring mine enemy 3 nights of hell. Candle black, black as night. Bring him pains of flesh tonight! Lesions on his skin will grow: Afflict him with a painful blow. Sores and pain afflict him now. For 3 nights on he'll wonder how. Dukes of darkness, Kings of Hell: Smite mine enemy, bring him hell. When 3 nights of pain have passed, then make him well, well at last!"
After sitting and thinking about the sores that this will infflict and the pain he will suffer, you may extinguish the candle. When 3 nights have passed, tear up the photo and say the following:
"When 3 nights of pain endured I lift this curse, rest assured. Darkness leave him, go away; The curse is lifted now, today!"