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5 Beauty Spells from Shaman's Way

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5 Beauty Spells from Shaman's Way

Included in this list of 5 Beauty Spells
  1. Become a Certain Animal
  2. To gain Energy
  3. Youth spell
  4. Personal Cleansing
  5. Beauty Spell
#1 - #5

#1 - Become a Certain Animal

To permantely gain an animals characteristics.
You may need:

You may need:


This is to be done during the waxing moon for best results.

"I call to herne, the hunter of all
and ask that he aid me and answer my call.
bring from within me the traits that I seek
and allow me to link with the animal deep
I ask of the hunter to find, if I may
the (insert animal here) within me here on this day."

To finish you may wish to make a noise assosiated witht the animal eg. howl for a wolf and else give thanks to herne the hunter for his aid. i would also suggest a session of meditation before the spell is cast on the animal that you wish to become more like, before and after.

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Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
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#2 - To gain Energy

To provide some self-energizing
You may need:

You may need:

This spell requires direct sunlight, either outdoors, of indoors at a south facing window. Make yourself a tea that includes solar herbs such as cinnamon, cloves, orange, or lemon. (You may use citrus juice it you don't want some- thing hot.) You will need some sort of solar stone, such as citrine or yellow tiger's-eye. Hold the stone up to the sunlight in your dominant hand, and hold the drink in your other hand. Say: ''Helios Apollo, Sun-God, Healer, strengthen me with your light.'' Visualize the sunlight pouring into you, washing through you, especially your heart and solar plexus, and into both the drink and the stone. Drop the stone into the beverage, drink the beverage as quickly as is comfortable. Put the cup down and sit and soak up sunlight for as long as you can.

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Last edited on Sep 01, 2015
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#3 - Youth spell

For everlasting youth
You may need:

  • black candle
  • chalice of water
  • salt
  • two spoonfuls of Vervain
  • piece of
  • petrified wood
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    You may need:

  • black candle
  • chalice of water
  • salt
  • two spoonfuls of Vervain
  • piece of
  • petrified wood
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    Vervain: For everlasting youth, this spell must be performed
    when the moon is full.. Go outdoors and light one black candle.
    Take a chalice of water to which you add salt, and two spoonfuls
    of Vervain. Mix thoroughly and dip into this water a piece of
    petrified wood. Pass the rock through the flame of the candle
    and chant:

    ''Candle, herb, rock, water, salt,
    Hear me as my song is sung,
    Age is not my hearts desire,
    It is youth to which I aspire,
    Candle, herb, rock, water, salt.''

    Repeat the ritual and chant seven times. As each chant is said, touch the rock in turn to first one foot, one hand, one shoulder, crown of the head, and then down the other side of the body to shoulder, hand and foot. When the spell is finished, take the rock immediately to the nearest river, beach or stream and throw it in.

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    #4 - Personal Cleansing

    Wash away negativity.
    You may need:

  • Candles
  • Bath oils
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    You may need:

  • Candles
  • Bath oils
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    Choose candles according to your personal and daily preferences, I have found that any will work. Run a bath withas hot of water as you can stand. If you prefer, this ritual can be done in the shower. Use whatever bath oils work for you.Visualize all the day's negative energies surrounding you as you get into the water.

    Then, visualize all that negativity being removed from your self by the water. Focus on your candle flames, meditate on cleansing your self. When the water has cooled to the point of being uncomfortable, pull the stopper, and say these words: "Drain away these pains and troubles, as does this water pure and free. Take with it all this day's distress. As I will, so mote it be!"

    Dry yourself off and rub your preferred cream onto your body to protect you from negativity over the night. Prepare to sleep well!

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    Last edited on Aug 31, 2015
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    #5 - Beauty Spell

    Let you become more attractive.
    You may need:

  • Pink candle
  • Mirror
  • A picture of the one that you want to be
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    You may need:

  • Pink candle
  • Mirror
  • A picture of the one that you want to be
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    On a full moon, take a mirror and go outside, if you can't then open a window, make sure the moon is reflected on the mirror).

    Take a piece of a picture (hair, lips, eyes, whatever you are interested in change), place it on the mirror and concentrate on it and say the following:

    ''Moonshine, Starlight,
    let the wind carry your light,
    let your glow cover my body,
    and let your shine cover every eye.''

    Say it 3 times and concentrate on the part that you want to change, then say:

    ''Moonshine, Starlight,
    shape and mold my body,
    as a rose is granted beauty,
    let me blossom in your light,
    the light that brings me beauty,
    and grant me beauty three times three''

    Say it 3 times and when you are finished light a candle (pink) or incense.

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    Last edited on Jul 15, 2019
    Part of the Shaman's Way Library.

    5 Beauty Spells from Shaman's Way
    #1 - #5