2479 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Beginner Blood
- Avian/Wing Prayer
- Keep You Awake
- Lipstick Charm
- Simple Lipstick Blessing
- Attractive Potion (Girls Only!)
- Elf
- Paraplegic Fix
- Pine Oil
- Sleep or Knockout Spell
#1011 - Beginner Blood
Begin your spell or ritual, but before you use your energy to complete it prick or slice your finger. Finish the spell or ritual. Warning: you must be completely willing and not hesitant because if you are the spell or ritual will go horribly wrong. Never take blood from an unwilling person.
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1012 - Avian/Wing Prayer
When one of our alters was alive, he was an avian. Thanks to the rest of us prying it out of him, here is how he got said wings: Hold the feather and envision having your wings, flying with them, soaring, ect.
"I want to fly and reach the sky,
Fly so high my feathers die,
Wings of ____ and pearly down,
To carry my weight up from the ground.
For if I wish and force this may,
Wings will I grow today
So must/mote it be"
According to him, make sure you say it at least say it once every day, so you keep the energy alive. They should start growing after your next meal. If you use a power charm, be sure to keep it on you at all times except when you need to shower or anything that could damage it.
Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1013 - Keep You Awake
#1014 - Lipstick Charm
#1015 - Simple Lipstick Blessing
While applying the lipstick, say this three times: "Bless this lipstick and make me beautiful," and that's it!
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1016 - Attractive Potion (Girls Only!)
'Goddess of Beaty, Goddess of Love, please find my true love (put in 2 rose petals).
Let him find me in one weeks' time (put in a quarter of your cinnamon).
I (put in your one hair) shall be more beautiful (put in a rose petal) than I am now (put in another quarter of the cinnamon).
Make me the most beautiful girl around (put in 3 rose petals and quarter of the cinnamon).
Make my true love (put in a rose petal) love me (put in all the cinnamon that's left).
So let it be! (put in the last rose petal)'
After you have recited the Spell, put the lid onto your Potion bottle and shake it five times. Then open it and tip the Potion into the bowl. Take all the rose petals from the bowl and apply them onto your face and eyes and wait 7 minutes. Then take them off, rip them all up and put them in the bowl again. Dip your face in the Potion. Then dip both of your hands in it. Say 'Thank you' and leave the Potion to cool for 10 minutes.
#1017 - Elf
Say once:
"Spirits and Universe
Make me one with the elements
Make me an elf
Grant me pointed ears
Give me beauty
Give me intelligence
Grant this wish
So mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1018 - Paraplegic Fix
First take the blood and smear it on the paper if you have some left over smear it on your legs and forehead next dependent on your religion draw your religious symbol for example the cross is Christian next say this spell 3x:
"Gods and goddesses I do not enjoy the accursed legs of mine please turn back the grasps of time and give what is rightfully mine give me working legs once and for all so I can stand forever and forever have a ball."
Afterwards get the mint or avocado and divide into two then rub one half on your legs and eat the other half then after eating the food say "to new beginnings so mote it be." After you complete the entire spell your legs will get more and more feeling until you are able to stand.
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1019 - Pine Oil
Harvest fresh pine tree needles from the pine tree of your choice. Do not use old pine tree needles that have already fallen to the ground, as these are more likely to mold and ruin your essential oil.
Clean the pine tree needles with warm water and a mild detergent soap to remove any contaminants that may be on the surface. To clean your needles, fill a container or your sink with warm, sudsy water. Place the needles into the sink and gently swish around to remove any dirt. Drain the water from the container or sink and rinse the needles well with clean water.
Place the pine needles on a layer of paper towels to dry. Blot the needles with extra paper towels to remove all moisture from the surface. Place the pine needles into the mortar and pestle and gently bruise the leaves. If you are using a small pestle, bruise the needles in small batches until all of the needles are done.
Pour the sweet almond oil into the large-mouth glass jar. Add all of the pine needles to the jar. Cap the jar tightly and gently shake to coat the pine needles with the sweet almond oil. Store the jar in a warm room with an ambient temperature of at least 75 degrees Fahrenheit, out of direct sunlight.
Shake the jar at least once a day for at least a week. After one week, store the jar in a dark location and allow the pine tree essential oil to age for 10 to 14 days. Do not shake the jar during this period.
Remove the oil from the dark location, shake, and strain the oil through a piece of cheesecloth or fine-mesh cotton gauze. Squeeze the gauze to drain as much of the pine tree essential oil out as possible.
Store the homemade pine tree essential oil in a dark bottle with an air-tight lid to help it remain as fresh as possible and avoid the risk of contamination
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1020 - Sleep or Knockout Spell